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Thread: The 'evil' People On This Board

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Ontario. Canada
    Originally posted by Zedaxax@24 February 2004 - 20:47
    Do what FatBastard would do

    Rub yourself, and smell?

    There's no 'I' in 'team'. But then there's no 'I' in 'useless smug colleague', either.
    And there's four in 'platitude-quoting idiot'. Go figure.

  2. Lounge   -   #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    North-east england UK
    Originally posted by muchspl2@24 February 2004 - 19:36
    just kick his ass, wtf are you 12 even if you are, I say go over to his house walk in the front door and strait to his room and kick his ass, don't say a word then just leave
    yeah thats what im going to do, eventually. He is 2 years younger and is at the lower site of our school which is about 2 miles away. When he gets to the upper site he will get an ass kickin infront of all his friends

  3. Lounge   -   #23

    Paintball gun man. Get one, and a cheap pack of like 250 balls (it's not expensive). Before you go, freeze some of the balls (not much, because the impact of actually shooting it inside the gun can kinda mess your gun up, so just freeze maybe 5-7), and use the frozen balls for windows, and use the rest to light up his house / car / him. For other idea's check out the "CIA Book Of Dirty Tricks" (i think thats what its called).

    EDIT : You could always stink-palm him! (check out the movie mallrats for more info )

  4. Lounge   -   #24
    Gemby!'s Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    im evil ... but i mess with peoples minds rather than anything else
    Single handedly destroying the NHS from the inside

  5. Lounge   -   #25
    Originally posted by Marius24@24 February 2004 - 18:55
    OK here is my story.  I have been enemys with this guy for some time now and have threatened him several times with him threatening me back.  On saturday night they (him + his friends) threw 1 egg at my house hitting a window. Fair enough i thought and cleaned it up for my mum.  Last night we (me and some friends) got him back got him with 3 eggs and his house with 9 eggs.  Today at school they said to my sister they will egg my house tonight and i will be ready to get them (if i can).  Basicly this will keep happening until someone stops (i am not willing to) and i want to know what can i do that would be pure evil that he could not come back too.  Eggs,  no eggs i dont care!  Something that will get the bastard once and for all!! 

    I am not willing to use a gun/grenade. However a big stick could do (as you can tell i have no imagination)  Maybe you guys can help me out
    until someone stops... they have a similar issue in Israel and Palestinia,
    and they are still killing each other.

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Originally posted by February 2004 - 22:18
    they have a similar issue in Israel and Palestinia,
    I think we are talking about a different type of shell here Inter. I know the case you are quoting is no yoke because Israel is poaching Palestinian land. But you dont have to scramble when these shells are thrown. In the middle east they are hard boiled fighters.

    In this case, one is six and the other is a dozen. We can only hope that they eventually slow down because they have run out off SHELL.

    Next please.
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  7. Lounge   -   #27
    UKMan's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Its so refreshing to see a quality post about something so important for once. In fact, i recommend this thread be moved to the really important section or even a poll as to what the poster should do. With all the great intelligent advice given, i'm sure there is a sollution somewhere

    Wonderfull and i thought the Loungue had gone downhill - just goes to show you don't it?


  8. Lounge   -   #28
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    Not like the old days when the grass was greener, you'd get change from a half-penny kids were more respectful. Those days must have been great, I just wish we could all start acting more mature, stop all this "having fun" and and just, well, settle down and make "quality posts". That would be sooper.

  9. Lounge   -   #29
    This is provided for educational purposes only. (Yeah right... )
    • Get a DC converter like the one used on a train set. Cut the connector off, then seperate and strip both wires.
    • Take a 1 liter beaker of water with a tablespoon of pure NaCl (salt) in it. This makes the water conductive.
    • Plug the converter in, insert both wires in the NaCl(aq), and let sit for five minutes. One wire will start bubbling more than the other. This is the positive (+) wire. The final product should be H^2FeO, which is useless here.
    • Take an iron nail, tie it to the positive wire, and put it in one end of the jar. Put the negative wire in the other end. Let sit overnight.
    • Scrape all the FeO (rust) off the nail and deposit it in the bottom of the jar. Repeat unless you have around a pound of FeO.
    • Remove the excess water and pour the crusty solution onto a cookie sheet. Let dry in the sun for 6 hours. The final product should be an orange-brown color.
    • Crush the FeO into a fine powder and heat in a cast-iron pot (important&#33 until it is red. Now mix the pure FeO with pure aluminum filings in a 8:3 ratio.
    • This stuff requires a LOT of heat (more than a blowtorch) to light. However, a magnesium ribbon will do the trick.
    • Pour a quarter-size pile on the person's car hood, half a pound his apartment's roof, etc. Light with the Mg coil and a blowtorch. BE CAREFUL! This mixture can vaporize CARBON STEEL! Once this starts burning, it is almost impossible to put it out.
    • Have fun!
    For more, go to

  10. Lounge   -   #30
    Join Date
    May 2003
    North-east england UK
    Originally posted by opivykid@24 February 2004 - 20:56
    Paintball gun man. Get one, and a cheap pack of like 250 balls (it's not expensive). Before you go, freeze some of the balls (not much, because the impact of actually shooting it inside the gun can kinda mess your gun up, so just freeze maybe 5-7), and use the frozen balls for windows, and use the rest to light up his house / car / him. For other idea's check out the "CIA Book Of Dirty Tricks" (i think thats what its called).
    im gettin a paintball gun

    btw i now take back that i wont use guns

    also i checked out that CIA thing and it looks a good read

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