Emule seems to never work for me eather. I just run Overnet. Just inport your dl from Emule to Overnet and use that. Emule disconnects from servers too much. I recomend Overnet. Also try to set your firewall to a random port like 4789 instead of 4662. If your isp is watching you, they won't know what program you are running without a little bit of investigating. Sometimes isp's block certain ports that are most common with file sharing apps. * 4789 is just a random port and was an example. Use any port you like. Also some people will try to attack you by the program you are running if they know you have a port open. I always recomend that you change the default file sharing port of a program to another just to be safe or at least a little safer. Have your firewall block all pings too. I recomend Black Ice.