What's a good program to add ID3 tags to my Mp3's? Other words to rename the Mp3 like artist, track # and song title
What's a good program to add ID3 tags to my Mp3's? Other words to rename the Mp3 like artist, track # and song title
Don't Enclude Magic file Rename , that program sucks :rtfm:
I recommend ID3-TagIt. It's actually a really good tag editor and can do all kinds of batch functions on a whole group of files (like a whole album) and has other really neat features like renaming files based on tag and vice-versa, in addition to letting you edit/view everything in the tag. It's the only program I ever use for tagging; I don't even use the built-in one in my audio player.
Of course, I don't ever share them after they've been edited, since they show up as a completely different file that everyone would have to get entirely from me; however, I will just leave a copy of the original unedited file in my shared folder when I run across something rare & worthy of being shared.
Kazaa Corruption Fixer --> Fix any corrupted CD image, archive, or video file you've downloaded with Kazaa.
Aight thanks man..
i havent tried that one but i have tried tag and rename and it is pretty good .. it lets you connect to allmusic.com and it saves the tag info automatically .. it also has all the features u mentioned in the other program
i dont know the site but you will find it on google
its somethin like softpointer.com
the program may be called
tag and rename
tag & rename
Tag & RenameOriginally posted by Nick10293847@6 March 2003 - 22:28
the program may be called
tag and rename
tag & rename
yeah i found it here http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm