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Thread: Film Too Big For A Cd...

  1. #1
    I've downloaded 2 films, both seem to be too large to fit on a normal CD.

    One film is 760mb, the other is about 900mb.

    Does anyone know of a way to decrease the file size?

    Or of a piece of good (and easy to use) software, to either reduce the file size, or cut the film(s) into bits, and then i can put them on 2 cds each.

    Both of the films are .Avi format.

    I am running:
    win 98 se
    1.2ghz AMD processor
    768mb ram
    10+gb free on hard drive
    128k broadband modem

    Thanks (in advance) for your replies

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    HELL-you will be too_$oon enough
    use virtual dub or if it cause's audio sync problems use v-dub mp3 wich is the same without the pesky cbr message get em

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Become a member(fasttrack movies) here and read these tutorials it will solve many video problems fasttrack king johns page...Remember to become a member first or the link won't work B)

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    And oh ya I think a mod should move this to movie world


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