I;m not sure, but often, you have to drag the hyperlink into kaaza inorder for it to download.
I;m not sure, but often, you have to drag the hyperlink into kaaza inorder for it to download.
use the web function built into kazaa to get these hashes to work
ice ice baby
Well,I've had about 8 of these so-called 'verifieds' queued for the last week or so,only one has started to download,and then only a few mb's.I have a broadband connection which still d/l's files from the web at 120+kb/sec so I know my connection's still ok.Maybe a few people don't delete 'em when they don't actually have the file any more,that's all I can think.
Verifieds only means that they aren't fakes not that they are widely available.Originally posted by DiogenesUK@17 March 2003 - 14:12
Well,I've had about 8 of these so-called 'verifieds' queued for the last week or so,only one has started to download,and then only a few mb's.I have a broadband connection which still d/l's files from the web at 120+kb/sec so I know my connection's still ok.Maybe a few people don't delete 'em when they don't actually have the file any more,that's all I can think.
Try searching for the same files and look for the file with the same size.
then autosearchmore for a while to get as many sources as possible
Some people post fake verfieds too, but it's not likely here. We're all good here.
here's how I fixed it....