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Thread: Photo Disc Write Protected

  1. #1
    had pictures done at a local department store and purchased a disc with pictures on it from them. When i try to copy pictures to another disc it says disc write protected. any way around this? I figure the pictures are mine since I purchased the floppy.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Originally posted by scalerboy@9 March 2003 - 05:02
    had pictures done at a local department store and purchased a disc with pictures on it from them. When i try to copy pictures to another disc it says disc write protected. any way around this? I figure the pictures are mine since I purchased the floppy.
    is it a floppy disk? if it's a floppy disk sometimes you have to move that little tab at the top to set it so it's not write protected. if it's a cd i heard you can get a sharpie and do something to it so you can copy it

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    thanks aslan it was the tab on the disc now i can copy the photos many thanks. I guess I give new meaning to the word newbie


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