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Thread: Public Mayhem Studios

  1. #1
    Hello, this is Majin Butter... the owner of a small media productions company called Public Mayhem Studios. We have recently earned some critical acclaim for our help in producing the techno artist Solenoid's new album called "Singularity Complex" and for manking numerous music videos that are available on this KaZaA Network!

    Please try and search for our files and see if you like them. All our movies (AMVs, short films, documentaries) are under the artist name of Public Mayhem Studios. Enjoy!

    For further information about our company visit

    To contact me other than on this forum email me at [email protected]

    Goodbye! Have fun downloading our files... and we sure could use some feedback!

  2. Music   -   #2
    This should go under the music section.

  3. Music   -   #3
    RPerry's Avatar Synergy BT Rep: Bad Rep
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, Florida
    We must be getting popular, everybody is starting to advertise here

  4. Music   -   #4
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I wonder how much Tripod lets you download from a site of its before it cuts it off. I seem to remember 500 meg/month.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  5. Music   -   #5
    I have never had problems with tripod... it's been wonderful for me. This has to do with filesharing because I am the only person carrying these files and we use this KaZaA Network as our distribution method for our material.

    That's why I am hoping some people will search for Public Mayhem Studios here, find my stuff, and download it. If they share it, then we have twice as many people sharing and it can grow.

  6. Music   -   #6
    Quoting Hideki Anno is likely to spring up some controversy. Public Mayhem Studios... I've been to that site before. Funny that I ran into it on the KaZaA Lite Board.

  7. Music   -   #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Looked at your site...thought it was poor.Cant see the need for anything you got.Just another person spamming the board with a useless site,IMO.

  8. Music   -   #8
    I went to that site too... it's got tons of hilarious pics and reviews and things like that. I'd like to see you (Nemo) make a site that good.

    Must not be your kind of site... but it has a decent number of visitors each day. Lay off the PM peeps.

  9. Music   -   #9
    Thank you for your support Muten_Reiko. I question how far Nemo actually went into the site. I doubt he looked through the archives of pictures and the availability of Solenoid's music. I think he didn't even give us a chance. We're not advertising, we are promoting in our own Topic in this forum. We have numerous members and I figured that this could be a useful way of contacing them all.

    Muten_Reiko, if you would like a membership, be sure to drop us a line in our own forums or to me via email. Thanks a lot.

  10. Music   -   #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Muten_Reiko@10 March 2003 - 12:55
    I went to that site too... it's got tons of hilarious pics and reviews and things like that. I'd like to see you (Nemo) make a site that good.

    Must not be your kind of site... but it has a decent number of visitors each day. Lay off the PM peeps.
    I was merely giving my opinion.Anyone who cant take criticism really shouldn't advertise there site here,we are a forum NOT a place to advertise our sites!!
    To just join with the sole intent of advertising just dont work for me,it aint that easy.Infact i wouldn't be surprised if your involved with that site in some way or another...
    So Muten_Reiko you n00b...before you go shouting your gob off get posting and putting up hash's for your shared stuff or are you just here to leech from others who post...

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