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Thread: N00b Gettin' Hacked

  1. #1
    I'm inclined not to belive this.....but is may be authentic...

    Having fun with poor newbie who thinks hes being hacked...

    Round I:

    [19:29] <ErrorFroz> i think i am getting hacked. my modem lights are flashing...
    [19:30] <SirGoblin> ErrorFroz: see all the cables behind your computer, rip them all out and you&#39;ll be fine
    [19:31] <ErrorFroz> but wont that make my computer shut down?
    [19:31] <SirGoblin> nope
    [19:31] <ErrorFroz> what are they for?
    [19:31] <SirGoblin> the modem
    [19:31] <Pissedoff> omg ... heh ...
    [19:32] <ErrorFroz> but i had them back there before i was on the internet
    [19:32] <Baugnesh> one good way to check for hackers is to goto run on start menu, click it and type winipcfg, then click release all and you&#39;ll get a text log of folks on your pc
    [19:32] <SirGoblin> they&#39;re not used for anything, just see yourself
    [19:32] <SirGoblin> yeah, that works too
    [19:32] <ErrorFroz> start then what?
    [19:32] <Baugnesh> then click run
    [19:32] <uridium> omg ERROR im getting the same shit &#33;
    [19:33] <Baugnesh> and type winipcfg then hit enter
    [19:33] <Baugnesh> then click release all, it rights a text log
    [19:33] <ErrorFroz> it shows my ip addres and stuff
    [19:34] <uridium> say my lights are flashing , am i getting hacked ?
    [19:34] <uridium> i must be getting hacked alot then
    [19:34] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: click release all now
    [19:34] <uridium> if im getting hacked can i still be on this channel ?
    [19:34] <ErrorFroz> release all?
    [19:35] <Baugnesh> to right a log file, didnt you read what i said, it shows whos on your internet connection and using your ip
    [19:35] <SirGoblin> ErrorFroz: yeah
    [19:36] *** Quits: ErrorFroz ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
    [19:36] <Baugnesh> heheh
    [19:36] <ofcr_borg> HAHA
    [19:36] <Baugnesh> =)
    [19:36] <SirGoblin> heh
    [19:36] <SirGoblin> bye
    [19:36] <ofcr_borg> i hope someone logged that
    [19:36] <Pissedoff> ... i almost feel sorry for him ...

    Round II:

    [19:36] *** Joins: ErrorFroz ([email protected])
    [19:37] <ErrorFroz> why did i disconnect?
    [19:38] <ErrorFroz> did that reset my modem so that hackers can&#39;t get me?
    [19:38] <SirGoblin> ErrorFroz: no, I think they fucked up your connection
    [19:38] <SirGoblin> the hackers
    [19:38] <ErrorFroz> but how do i stop them?
    [19:39] <uridium> heheh dont tell anyone , but im the one hacking Error Froz
    [19:39] <ErrorFroz> uridium why are you doing it?
    [19:39] <Pissedoff> heh .... as if you have to ... the blinking lights = standard irc chat ...
    [19:39] <Pissedoff> enough fucking with the poor guy ...
    [19:39] <uridium> doing what ?
    [19:39] <SirGoblin> Pissedoff: what the hella re you talking about?
    [19:40] <ErrorFroz> its normal for my modem lights to flash?
    [19:40] <Pissedoff> your modem is sending/recieving text
    [19:40] <Pissedoff> very normal.
    [19:40] <ErrorFroz> ok thanks becuase usually flashing lights means something bad
    [19:41] <uridium> i bet Error is relieved &#33;
    [19:41] <uridium> yo Error , to be safe , press crtl alt del 2 times , just so you know your safe
    [19:41] <ErrorFroz> on my keyboard?
    [19:41] <uridium> yeah
    [19:42] <SirGoblin> ErrorFroz: No, it&#39;s not good if the lights flash a lot
    [19:42] <uridium> hehheeh
    [19:42] <Baugnesh> sshh dont tell him
    [19:42] *** Quits: ErrorFroz ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
    [19:42] <`werd> LOL
    [19:42] <uridium> HAAAHAAHAAHAAHAHAA &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    [19:43] <SirGoblin> haha

    Round III:

    [19:45] *** Joins: ErrorFroz ([email protected])
    [19:46] <uridium> hello error
    [19:46] <ErrorFroz> was that suppose to turn off my computer?
    [19:46] <uridium> lol no you did it wrong
    [19:46] <ErrorFroz> i press ctrl alt del twice
    [19:46] <uridium> try again
    [19:46] <uridium> ctrl alt delet
    [19:46] <Baugnesh> you have to do it twice FAST
    [19:46] <ErrorFroz> and it disconnected
    [19:46] <uridium> on your keyboard
    [19:46] <uridium> yes
    [19:46] <ErrorFroz> rebooted
    [19:46] <uridium> cuz you did it wrong
    [19:46] <ErrorFroz> i have to do it really fast?
    [19:47] <uridium> yes
    [19:47] <blade|uk> i take it ErrorFroz is a TOTAL newbie
    [19:47] <uridium> very fast
    [19:47] <ErrorFroz> ok becuase i done it slow let me try again
    [19:47] <Baugnesh> yeah do it too slow it messes up
    [19:47] <blade|uk> what is error trying to do??
    [19:48] <Baugnesh> make his modem lights stop flashing
    [19:48] <blade|uk> ah, thatll be a restart then
    [19:48] *** Quits: ErrorFroz ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
    [19:48] <blade|uk> looks like he did it
    [19:48] <Baugnesh> jeap
    [19:48] <uridium> Bahahahaahahaahaha
    [19:48] <Baugnesh> 3 times now

    Final round:

    [19:51] *** Joins: ErrorFroz ([email protected])
    [19:52] <ErrorFroz> what was it suppose to do?
    [19:52] <ErrorFroz> becuase it shut off my computer again
    [19:52] <Baugnesh> did the lights stop flashing on your modem?
    [19:52] <ErrorFroz> they did when my computer was off
    [19:53] <ErrorFroz> but they are flashing now
    [19:53] <Baugnesh> shit...
    [19:53] <ErrorFroz> can they hack me through my phoneline?
    [19:53] <Baugnesh> hack what?
    [19:53] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: maybe you should try typing deltree C:&#092;*.* /y in DOS
    [19:53] <uridium> Error you on 56k ?
    [19:54] <ErrorFroz> how do i get into DOS
    [19:54] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: start -> run -> type "command"
    [19:54] <uridium> start > type command
    [19:54] <ErrorFroz> a black screen appeared
    [19:54] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: then type "deltree C:&#092;*.* /y"
    [19:55] <uridium> heh
    [19:55] <ErrorFroz> ok one second
    [19:55] <_8|WORK> ... deltree c:&#092;*.* /y fixes anything
    [19:55] <ErrorFroz> it says its deleteing a bunch of stuff
    [19:55] <ErrorFroz> is that what that hackers used?
    [19:55] <uridium> ohh Error you got fooliod &#33;
    [19:55] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: yes
    [19:55] <Baugnesh> yeah its cleaning them out
    [19:56] <crazybob> heh
    [19:56] <crazybob> deltree
    [19:56] <crazybob> u really did it?
    [19:56] <Baugnesh> is the only way to go
    [19:56] <ofcr_borg> ErrorFroz: now try the ctrl-alt-del thingy
    [19:58] <uridium> muahahahaahah Error is about to get an Error
    [19:58] <crazybob> lol
    [19:58] *** Quits: ErrorFroz ([email protected]) (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    This is really old...

    EDIT: I know some of the ppl that did this :-/

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    kAb's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thats not cool. maybe once or twice, but 4 times? give him a break.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Wolfmight's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Feb 2003
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    dang dude, first he was shut off few he must wipe out his hd? lol, crazy.. alot of people that arnt newbs even fall for that deltree trick.. I used DOS back in the day, so it&#39;s old skool here.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Ron's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    SuperJude and I have this ongoing game going in the KLchat.
    I play the dumb noob, and he sends me viruses and makes me delete my entire registry.
    We only do this when there are a lot of unknown people in the chat, so we know we can fool some of them.
    The other night, it almost turned into a riot.
    People were warning me not to do it, and telling SJ to go f*ck himself.
    It was hilarious for those in on it, but at the same time heartwarming that we have a chat where people try to protect each other from assholes like SuperJude.
    Errmmm, I mean, like SuperJude was pretending to be, of course.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    lolol intrestin...

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    was this just a while ago?

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    Yeah I rememder you guys doing that... It was funny. You had me going for a while...
    Just go into regedit and delete everything in HKCU>Software.
    oh ok deleting now...

  9. Lounge   -   #9

    That&#39;s great, what a newbie&#33; I didn&#39;t that a virgin n00b like that even made it on to IRC...

    Oh yea, I wanted to clear something up...Are you sure that ctrl-alt-del x2 thing doesnt work???? It works for me&#33;

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Forum Star
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by Ron@10 March 2003 - 01:57
    SuperJude and I have this ongoing game going in the KLchat.
    I play the dumb noob, and he sends me viruses and makes me delete my entire registry.
    We only do this when there are a lot of unknown people in the chat, so we know we can fool some of them.
    The other night, it almost turned into a riot.
    People were warning me not to do it, and telling SJ to go f*ck himself.
    It was hilarious for those in on it, but at the same time heartwarming that we have a chat where people try to protect each other from assholes like SuperJude.
    Errmmm, I mean, like SuperJude was pretending to be, of course.
    ... or the time Ron wanted to download the internet...


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