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Thread: Burn To Cd's

  1. #1
    I know this has been asked before but I am still unable to find the correct answer, maybe you guys can help me here:

    I just downloaded a game from Kazaa- it is a .EXE game the size is about 600 or 700MB.
    When I double click the game a DOS prompt comes up for about 2-3 seconds, and it says that the "File is too large".

    How should I run this game? Should I burn it directly to a CD? If yes, how? .ISO, .BIN???

    Should I extract the files inside with RAR?

    Please help me with this, it is starting to tick me off.

    Thank you!

  2. Games   -   #2
    C'mon dudes? Can somebody help me?

  3. Games   -   #3
    Damn, 20 views but no replies.

    Nobody knows how to help me here?

  4. Games   -   #4
    I try different things but half the time I never do get the file to work. There seems to be more garbage files than working ones these days.

    change it to .rar, see if it works.(some rars have info files inside that will tell you what to do to get it installed, some don't) Change it to a .bin, try to burn it, see if it works. Sadly you may never get it working. I have a whole fat folder full of files I never got working. * sigh*

    I even have some so called verifieds that are corrupt and won't work. They may be corrupting as they download since kazaa isn't all that stable. Good luck.

  5. Games   -   #5
    Originally posted by sillimander@10 March 2003 - 19:27
    I try different things but half the time I never do get the file to work. There seems to be more garbage files than working ones these days.

    change it to .rar, see if it works.(some rars have info files inside that will tell you what to do to get it installed, some don't) Change it to a .bin, try to burn it, see if it works. Sadly you may never get it working. I have a whole fat folder full of files I never got working. * sigh*

    I even have some so called verifieds that are corrupt and won't work. They may be corrupting as they download sinse kazaa isn't all that stable. Good luck.
    So if I change the extensoin to .rar and use winrar, I will be able to open it?
    I guess there are files inside that tells me what to do but I can't open it.

    I will try that when I get home, I wll let you know how it works.

  6. Games   -   #6
    When I get a file that won't open I start experimenting. I'll name it .rar and see if WinRar can extract anything. Sometimes it can't. Sometimes it'll extract it but with errors and it won't work even after I try to use WinRar to fix the file. I'm new to using WinRar, so maybe I don't know the little tricks people use to repair files. I just try using the setting in the drop down menu.

    Sometimes the files are supposed to be renamed to .bin and burned. I use a newer Nero so it burns them without my having to covert to ISO first or have a cue file. Then again, maybe that's why some refuse to work...I might need a cue and don't know it. I have admit I'm no expert and I've made a bunch of dead c.d.'s. We need an experienced person to post good tutorial. *Hint, Hint to brainiacs*

    I am having a great deal of corruption in kazaa downloads lately (about 70% of games) and haven't figured out whether the files were bad to begin with or if my cable is flaky and corrupting them as I download. It's depressing to download a whole game I really wanted to try out just to have it not work.

  7. Games   -   #7
    Download >>THIS<< if u want to fix corrupted files

  8. Games   -   #8
    baccyman's Avatar n00b BT Rep: +11BT Rep +11BT Rep +11
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    Oct 2002
    there have been posts before saying that kazaa is not the best prog for games . try using emule or edonkey they are supposed to be better for games.

  9. Games   -   #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Get WinISO and WinRAR.
    Then try to open the files using these two programs (you don&#39;t need to rename the file extension).
    If WinISO is able to open it then you have an image file, probably a .bin or .iso file.
    If WinRAR is able to open it then you have a compressed archive (not likely though, because the file you mentioned is too large).


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