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Thread: Msn And Klite

  1. #1
    Hi every one

    When i run Kazaa lite 2.0.3 and Msn Messenger 5 at the same time after a while my msn goes wrong
    Like it gets lots of funny colours over it, my messege boxes go see throught and i cant see what they/i type
    all the quick links at side go all wavy and un seeable(the start takin button and the ones for games)
    it get really enoyin
    Plse help
    Thks Bennyg

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    oh yer and so do sum of omy other programs like Getright and Phasma 3000

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Ynhockey's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Maybe it's because you are either listening to music, watching a video or previewing music/video with kazaa ?

    I'm not sure why, but i had the same problem with any kind of media running at the same time as AIM...


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