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Thread: Xp Download

  1. #1
    I keep getting a message stating that their are new downloads ready for downloading. Its a feburary 13 security update or somthing.

    I have downloaded and installed it several times sure enough a few days later it tells me that I have new updates to download again.

    What up with that.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I've found this problem with a certain fix: Windows Messenger Connectivity Update. For some reason, every few days I have to redownload and install this patch. After about 10 trys, it finally went away. I suppose there could have been a bunch of consecutive patches, but I highly doubt it. It was probably Microsoft on the fritz again.--

    Proud member of MDS


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