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Thread: The Dbz Live Action Movie...2006 Or 2007

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    well a live action movie would cost a lot of money, i think they should just use that money to create the best animation ever. it would be pretty kick ass dont ya think?

  2. Movies & TV   -   #22
    most of the stuff Shano posted is just lifted and rewritten from Dragonball Z forums and fan sites. it's all just rumors and speculation, circulated and re-circulated amongst gullible fanboyz without anyone being able to attribute it to a single credible source. some of the speculation is along the lines that roland emmerich was supposed to direct, that he hired and later fired hugh jackman, that fox even recently began building sets for the movie in sydney australia.

    it's all completely unverified.

    most of the rumors originated from this site and then quickly spread to all the others:
    know why none of the other sites are able to say where the info came from? because the fortune city page claims to get all of its info from an anonymous informant called "Mr. Z," who supposedly has a friend who works for fox. it's an "i know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's close personal friends with ___________" thing. it doesn't really have the kind of credibility you'd stake your life on.

    i dunno why, on april 2, Shano still insists that he was at some sort of executives' meeting to discuss the movie 'cause his dad supposedly works in lighting & props. i mean, WTF? how does that even make sense? then he just casually tosses in a bit of "My brother passed away an hour ago... i'm just writting shit 2 help with the greif..." doubly WTF. he needs to get back on his medication, or go out & find friends instead of trying to impress a random internet forum by spinning a poorly thought-out web of lies and defending himself by claiming that his relatives are dropping dead even as we speak.

  3. Movies & TV   -   #23
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    I'm not sure which mod deleted this thread earlier but I think it is important that you keep it here so that we can know what Shano is all about. (And remember, by deleting a thread it removes their posts from their profile and thus our way of making up our own opinion of a poster).

    Deleting someone's thread just because they ask it is wrong imo. If they want to spout bullsh*t then they should face the consequences of having their card called.

    Thanks to the mod, IKE, who brought this thread back. (Even if it is one of the worst ever )

  4. Movies & TV   -   #24
    Im gonna hack his computer.

    That fucking turd is annoying me.

  5. Movies & TV   -   #25
    a dragonball z movie was the talk last year at the dragonball z officail site.but i never heard about fox making the movie.this story is from the officail dbz website. about the live dbz movie

    The following has been reported on

    ILM ON DBZ LIVE ACTION MOVIE by Otherworld Steve

    I decided to follow up a bit more regarding the rumored live action Dragon Ball/Z movie. One persistent rumor has been that "George Lucas' CGI company ILM has signed a contract to do the special effects."

    Today I called Ellen Pasternack, Public Relations for ILM. I asked her if the rumor was true; if ILM was brought on board to provide the special effects for the Dragon Ball/Z live action movie. Ms. Pasternack's reply was that it had been mentioned, but ILM never officially signed off on anything and it never came to be. She also commented that, as far as she knows, the film is not being made.

    So there you have it, folks. Another death nail in the DBZ live action movie coffin. That isn't to say that the film will never be made. There are other major studios besides FOX and other effects houses aside from ILM. Who knows ... maybe Wetta will snag this property to go along with the Evangelion live action movie. Only time will tell.

    Edit: I just want to clarify that a.) FUNimation Productions has absolutely nothing to do with the concept/licensing for a Dragon Ball/Z live action movie. They hold the license for the anime/games/merchandise only, and b.) this website is NOT an official FUNimation website. It is just a promotional website for Kyle Hebert and goes beyond his association with FUNimation. I hope that clears some things up.


    I literally JUST got off the phone with FOX Studios in Los Angeles, CA. I asked outright about the upcoming live action Dragon Ball/Z movie.

    This is exactly what I was told by my contact:

    "The Dragon Ball Z movie? We don't have that. I 've got a lot of calls about that so I called around [the studio]. We won't be making that [movie]."

    So there you have it, folks. That is the OFFICIAL story from FOX. I know some of you may be disappointed, but I also think it's a blessing.

  6. Movies & TV   -   #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Burrito Land , MEXICO.
    theres a live action movie of db , i saw it like 2 years ago on tv , it was when goku was just a kid and they killed his grandfather or something and he met this girl , and they were looking for the dragon balls , it was crap.

  7. Movies & TV   -   #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Burrito Land , MEXICO.
    just found the link to the crappy movie , here

  8. Movies & TV   -   #28
    Originally posted by seiya_33@3 April 2004 - 22:41
    just found the link to the crappy movie , here

  9. Movies & TV   -   #29
    bujub22's Avatar THE GREAT
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Originally posted by seiya_33@3 April 2004 - 22:41
    just found the link to the crappy movie , here
    that's the old 1 very crappy ,but there a different 1 more update report it was posted around christmas

  10. Movies & TV   -   #30
    Shano7584 ur a fuking fag. I live in Australia and we have heard no news on the DBZ movie. u give a bad name to all the dbz lovers out there and expecialy to the nickname shano. fuk u and go die... someone please ban him from this forum... i feel sorry for u brother but it's probably best he's dead that way he doesn't have 2 put up wiv ur shit.

    ohh and like dbz u cant wish him bak. lmfao

    ur a fuking fag that needs to get in touch wiv the real world.

    so fuk u.

    i know fuk has a c in it i just used fuk so he knew what i was saying. lmfao

    that phone number is totaly bogus don't even try to ring it people it will just be a waste of ur time.
    and there is no one named shane that is a pa at fox studio's.

    again fuk u and go die with ur brother

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