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Thread: Why A War Against Irak Is Wrong

  1. #1
    Demonstration by law

    1.a. A country not directly attacked by another country should not attack this country without UN approval.
    1.b. The US were not directly attacked by Irak.
    2.a. There are a number of circumstances where the UN can agree on a war.
    2.b. The Irak case doesn't fit any of these conditions.
    --> This war is illegal

    Demonstration by ethics:

    1. Justice, as a value, is something universal.
    2. This war is unfair (see above).
    ---> This war is wrong

    General conslusion : This war is illegal and wrong.


    This war being wrong and illegal, would an attack on the countries making war to Irak (the USA and the UK) be legal and good?

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Any war is illegal and wrong...

    What bothers me the most, is how CNN presents the news.. as if there is a Good Football game going on!

    Any war or violence in any form is BAD!
    War solves nothing.., people die!

    People has te learn to listen to each other... recardless believes.... All the wars are about Faith or money and land!
    Revenge is STUPID! Even after Sept. 11th

    Just turn the other cheak!

    All people are the same... what ever the colour or believes!

    Jah Love!!

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    Join Date
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    Oh no not another war post..AGHHHHHHHHHHH

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    Why we SHOULD go to war with Iraq

    1) Saddam Hussein has gassed his own people. killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.
    2) he was not democratically elected
    3)is OBVIOUSLY hiding weapons of mass destruction. ( i don't want to get into this to much but i will if you really want me to)
    4)It has been known for more than 10 years that saddam has ties to al-qaeda.
    5) remember 9/11? when bush knew that there was a threat from al-qaeda, and everyone is pissed that he didn't alert the public or try to stop it? well, now he IS alerting the public. sounds like a real threat that the cia discovered, now Bush doesn't want another 9/11 does he? so he is alerting America.
    6)watch powell's speech, very convincing.
    7) why did saddam not mention the long range missles in his 12,000 page document? if he has those not mentioned, it is scary to think of what else he might have.

    i recently watched an MTV show/interview thing with tony blair, and in it a 16 year old guy (who lives in Iraq) was almost crying to the tony blair to help him and his family by taking out saddam, and not letting him continue his reign of terror.

    if you don't think he should be taken out of power, then you must be stupid.

    edit: and o, if you don't want to think of it as war, you can think of it as cops going after a huge crime organizations. you do think think that cops should get rid of crime organizations don't you?

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by N£MO@11 March 2003 - 17:28
    Oh no not another war post..AGHHHHHHHHHHH    
    People are affraid... nothing wrong with that!

    And yes Saddam is a brainless Brainwashing asshole!
    The people in those country's are Brainwashed. They don't know anything else but WAR!

    They think that killing 1000's of people get them in a sort of Walhalla.... Tribute to the Martyrs!

    No solution, at least no quick one!

    Let's hope for the best, but still War is not the solution!

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by Rocktron@11 March 2003 - 17:43
    Let's hope for the best, but still War is not the solution!
    then what is? it isn't like saddam will step down...

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
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    err, why start a full scale war when the problem is one man
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by DarthInsinuate@11 March 2003 - 17:47
    err, why start a full scale war when the problem is one man
    because for some reason, assassinations are illegal in this country.

    but it is his whole government who is oppressing.

    and bin laden actually doesn't like saddam, but saddam lets bin ladens buddies stay in iraq.

    and no president should have many many palaces while most of his country lives in extreme poverty.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by DarthInsinuate@11 March 2003 - 17:47
    err, why start a full scale war when the problem is one man
    Nope it is bigger than that!

    Just killing one man looks simple... But the whole country and all moslims (hope i don't hurt anybody) are brainwashed!
    And affraid to say anything (or they will be shot) or get thrown stones at them!

    Most Moslim men like the rules that rule now... women are less.. animals are less..
    Men are great! Kill as many people in the name of Allah and be a Martyr!

    It's harder then we all think! Moslims don't want to change! They really think they are doing the right thing!!

    Yes maybe killing the aggressors would blow a gap in the thinking of the Islam?
    But there is always another guy that thinks he should take over...

    Some times i think BOMB the whole freakin Islam world.... but still there are also people that are innocent! (Sorry about spelling errors i'm Dutch)

    Difficult subject...

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    scribblec's Avatar Poster
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    irak = iraq

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