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Thread: Emule Newbie, Kazaa/irc Vet

  1. #1
    Wolfmight's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
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    I just got eMule working..whole lotta servers..and I'd say it's not to bad.. U find alot of rares .
    What are some ways to speed it up? best speeds I got on downloads were like 40kb/s and stuff (faster than rare files on kazaa for sure).
    What are some tweaks?
    lol, it's funny how u get like 200 something users with a file shared and only 8 of them actually send u it. Wonder if there is way to force that to be like 20 allways hehe. Oh yes, and I noticed the shareing feature is can check how much people download certain files...very cool.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    A way I found to increase download speeds is to leave eMule only uploading with no downloads for a couple, 3, 4 hours and than download whatever it is you want, when i did that i got around 70 kB/s and before that the fastest i ever got was like 20 kB/s..


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