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Thread: Anyone Know Of

  1. #1
    Anyone know of a msn messanger bot that can go hand in hand with kazaa? I am usually at uni and would like to see how my downloads at home are going. I thought maybe a bot or something has been created for this reason. If anyone has heard bout it or anything like it just say something.


  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    never heard of such thig. but think of it in a positive way: you would hawe a F*c*ed up day if you knew that your 600 mb file is signed "failed"

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    hehe but i backup my downloads every day so i dont lose too much. I reckon it could be useful

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    yes there is a program on its way that does this.. i saw it about a week ago in the developement section.. search for 'remote' and you should find it


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