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Thread: Just Got Broken Into...

  1. #1
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Surrey, BC
    so we got broken into today, worst thing that could happen to me, they stole my home theater system and a bunch of dvds (50 dvds, 17 xbox games). here's the most saddest part of all, the thieves were my downstairs (tenants) boyfriend and the boyfriends friend. they showed up at 4 pm, how stupid, this was right after i got home and heard the news from my dad. rule #1: never steal from a guy who can bench press 225 lbs and curl 50 lbs dumbells, i went out there and got right up to him, beat the living shit out of him, my dad and all the neighbors were yelling for me to stop, but i didn't give a fuck, i made the motherfucka bleed like the worthless bitch he his. now they're threatning to sue us, i don't give a fuck, cuz i broke his nose, jaw, and leg. what a pussy, ironic thing: i'm only 16, and the bastard was like 25 and his friend weighed 300 or so pounds and was also 25. i beat the shit out of both of em, pussies didn't even know how to fight, i still got a bunch of adrenaline left in my system, thought that typing this up would release some of it, i'm still fuckin pissed though, those bastards, fuck

    edit: the guy actually tried to fight back, what a dumass, he just made it that much more humiliating, one punched the fat guy btw, he was on the ground bleeding from his mouth and i kicked him until the guy cried, seriosly, some ppl are pussies man, if ur gonna steal something become a man first, not a pussy who doesn't even know how to block punches or reverse them or defend themselves, oh and get this, guy pulls out a switchblade, just punched his forearm, heard it snap like a twig (fat guy), now the cops are questioning me (were questioning me) and the ambulance paramdics gave me a nasty look, but i don't give a fuck, i'm fuckin pissed

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Damn... That sucks.

    1. How did you know the theives were your downstairs (tenants) boyfriend and the boyfriends friend.
    2. You could have tried asking them for your stuff before kicking their asses?
    3. Did you tell them to, or get your stuff back in the end?

    Man I wouldn't want to get on your bad side.

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Now thats the PROPER way to treat thieves.

    Well done mate

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Surrey, BC
    Originally posted by rf9rider@8 April 2004 - 21:19
    Now thats the PROPER way to treat thieves.

    Well done mate
    hell ya, i got my stuff back, bastards sold it at some pawn shop, the good ol police got it back for us (had to find the serial number for the receiver first, no biggie). as for asking them b4 kicking their ass, when i went up to him the bitch is like "what r u gonna do?" in a bad attitude way, i didn't even say anything, first impulse was right in the face, hit him as hard as i could, he didn't get back for 1 minute or two, but the chubby guy was reluctant to win, big mistake. i knew that they were the downstairs tenants because i knew what the guy looked like (the skinny blonde haired white guy). i still can't get over it, i kicked a 300 lbs man's ass who pulled a switchblade on me, that's just pathetic, i guess working out has extremely big advantages when it comes to ass kicking. now i gotta go to court next month cuz of this "behavioral problem" shit, but like i said i don't give a fuck, you touch my stuff and ur as good as a dead man (or a severly beaten up one at best)

    EDIT: thanks rf9rider

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Being 16 is both a blessing and a curse for you. Were you older, you would probably have been charged with aggravated assault.

    But since you're a juvenile, you now have to make your way through the fucked-up family court system.

    I've been there for assault, it's not a pleasant thing.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Originally posted by haxor41789@8 April 2004 - 22:42
    I've been there for assault, it's not a pleasant thing.
    I feel a story coming, what did you do?

    Though what you did was a bit wrong and could get you in trouble, I bet it felt great.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Jul 2003
    Well done Cpt. That is the best news I have heard this morning. I hope a few more people follow your example and are backed up by the authorities.

    I always found it strange that if someone says something or breaches the security of a country they can go and bomb and kill them(sometimes without proof). Yet if someone breaches the sanctity of your own house, steals and rapes, you are supposed to do nothing.

    Again I say congratulations.
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Surrey, BC
    Originally posted by bigboab@8 April 2004 - 22:51
    Well done Cpt. That is the best news I have heard this morning. I hope a few more people follow your example and are backed up by the authorities.

    I always found it strange that if someone says something or breaches the security of a country they can go and bomb and kill them(sometimes without proof). Yet if someone breaches the sanctity of your own house, steals and rapes, you are supposed to do nothing.

    Again I say congratulations.
    exactly, i wasn't going to idoly stand by and let those bastard get away with it. court? i don't care, because they have enough evidence on those tenants, i just got a hefty fine of maximum 500 dollars (undecided until june) and 100 hours of community service. if a man breaks into your home, i feel that many people would take the same action as i did. it did feel great and trust me, i would do it again if i had to.

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    You broke someone's forearm by punching it, I think not.

    Which particular fantasy did this story come from, the whole thing reeks of pish. With that many witnesses and the police there and the level of assault you describe you would have been charged. No question, particularly when it related to a petty theft and you had gone looking for them. No element of self-defence on your part whatsoever.

    Oh and people who support violent beatings, potentially leading to serious physical injury, brain damage or even death - over some goods, should be ashamed of themselves. If the story were true (and I don't think so) then he beat the living daylights out of two people rather than go to the police. He was under no threat and was not protecting himself or his loved one's. Had he found them in the house or threatening his family, that is a different story.

    This is vigilante behaviour of the worst kind. Wait till your son or friend gets fuck kicked out of them, for something they didn't do. Then support this kind of animal behaviour.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Originally posted by haxor41789@9 April 2004 - 06:42
    I've been there for assault, it's not a pleasant thing.
    Yes, Haxor41789 share all with us....

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