You can burn the .bin file without the .cue.
In Nero go to 'File' > 'Burn image...', then select the .bin file (not the .cue) and open it.
A popup window will appear saying 'Foreign Image Settings'.
Make sure the 'Type of Image' is 'Data Mode 1' and the 'Raw data' box is checked.
Click 'OK' and the burning options should appear.
If you still want to make your own .cue files, that is also possible.
Open up Notepad and copy the following into it:
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Replace the X's with the EXACT filename as the .bin file you want to burn. Don't write a full path, just the filename.
Be sure that the .bin filename doesn't contain any spaces.
Save it as a .cue.
That's it.
Remember to put both the .bin and the .cue files in the same directory before burning.
You're all set. B)