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Thread: Splinter Cell Extraction Probs.

  1. #1
    Hey all

    I've just downloaded a compressed [I guess!] copy of Splinter Cell. The filename is SPLINTER_CELL_FULL_W_SERIAL.EXE. The problem is that when I attempt to run it, a command prompt window appears (I'm on XP Home) that says I have inssufficient memory to run it. I guess this means it's trying to load the whole 700MB into my 512MB DDR RAM memory. Is there any possible way around this? Can I use something to open it up in pieces or something?

    My spec is as follows:
    CPU: Athlon XP 2600+ [2.1GHz]
    Memory: 512MB 2100 DDR RAM
    VGU: Radeon 9000 128MB

    Any ideas as to how I could get into this thin?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Arkham Asylum
    first thing i hate you for having a nice computer

    second i didn't realise there was a splinter cell zip on kazaa (eek, might be fake!!&#33

    ok third if you have winrar right click on the file and go to the winrar bit and click open with winrar

    fourth its strange you should run out of memory, is this an isolated problem? when you play games or use apps does it have the same prob? make sure you haven't turned virtual memory off, or have set it too low (maximum should be at least 512mb)
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    for your compressed file, dont double click it. This usually freezes mine too.
    I usually right click, and select the extract to ... option. This should work if you have
    winrar, and context menu options selected.

    There is a verified posted of the game.


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