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Thread: Music Editing

  1. #1
    Fasttracker A
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    what i need is a suggestion of a program ,that can change instumentals
    from some of my songs.
    Basically so i can make my own remixes but with out losing sound quality

    any ideas would be cool

  2. Music   -   #2
    how do you mean 'change instrumentals' ?
    if you mean editing or taking samples 'wavelab 4' or 'soundforge 6' are programs i can not fault

    hope this helps
    if not please elaborate

  3. Music   -   #3
    how do you mean 'change instrumentals' ?
    if you mean editing or taking samples 'wavelab 4' or 'soundforge 6' are programs i can not fault

    hope this helps
    if not please elaborate

  4. Music   -   #4
    how do you mean 'change instrumentals' ?
    if you mean editing or taking samples 'wavelab 4' or 'soundforge 6' are programs i can not fault

    hope this helps
    if not please elaborate

  5. Music   -   #5
    oops sorry
    didnt mean to post it more than once

  6. Music   -   #6
    i thought the mods had flood control set up so that you cant post more than once (1) in thirty (30) seconds...

  7. Music   -   #7
    dont know how it happened
    sorry anyway

  8. Music   -   #8
    Fasttracker A
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    sorry for the late reply ,had no idea anyone responded.

    I would like to extract vocals from some songs i have and mix them w/ instrumentals from a different song.Like a remix ,you know

  9. Music   -   #9
    Afronaut's Avatar Xenu
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    If you trying to extract vocals from a .wav, .mp3 or just any one file which has instuments innit, i doubt it could be done. If you got a song, or part of a song that has ONLY vocal innit, then you can use WavLab 4 or any similar wave-editor app in you PC and rip the vocal-part. Did you make the songs? If you did, what gear was used, analog or digital?
    If there's instruments playing at the same time with vocals, basically, You'll need to have them master tracks from where you can use them vocal tracks.

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