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Thread: What Is A Dvd Screener?

  1. #1
    The words in its' name would suggest a DVD that is released to the press and VIPs to screen the movie prior to its widespread release.

    My question lies in the fact that someone posted a hash claming it was a high quality DVD rip not a DVD screener. Wouldn't they be of the same quality?

    Or is it a practice for the movie creators to release low quality DVD screeners?

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
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    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    Originally posted by healimonster@15 March 2003 - 00:26
    The words in its' name would suggest a DVD that is released to the press and VIPs to screen the movie prior to its widespread release.

    My question lies in the fact that someone posted a hash claming it was a high quality DVD rip not a DVD screener. Wouldn't they be of the same quality?

    Or is it a practice for the movie creators to release low quality DVD screeners?
    A DVD screener is released for the film critics! To see if it's good enough for a Oscar or any other price!
    If someone releases a dvd screener when it's not.. shit man shit happens!

    What is your question really?

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    the quality of the movie (audio and video) why would the quality of a dvd screener rip be any different from a regular blockbuster dvd rip

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    ShareDaddy is the man to ask IMO.

    To me though, they're both DVD quality so it shouldn't matter much. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Originally posted by healimonster@14 March 2003 - 18:26
    My question lies in the fact that someone posted a hash claming it was a high quality DVD rip not a DVD screener. Wouldn't they be of the same quality?

    Or is it a practice for the movie creators to release low quality DVD screeners?
    Sometimes its hard to get a straight answer. A DVD screener and a DVD rip are the same quality, however the screener will usually have some sort of scrolling message on the screen advising people to call 1-800-NOCOPYS or something similar. A DVD rip comes from the retail version of the DVD, no scrolling messages.--


    P.S. There are low quality screeners, like those ripped from VHS. The Star Trek Nemesis version that is floating around is a VHS screener.
    Proud member of MDS


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