03-15-2003, 01:37 AM
Software & Hardware -
knob jockey
make sure your xp firewall is switched off the internal one can be a big pain.
03-15-2003, 01:40 AM
Software & Hardware -
yes i had a notion that there was a built-in firewall. that can be turned off in network connections>options, right?
also, is the XP firewall useful or do i not need it ? the mcafee firewall is set to allow file sharing and networking. can the xp firewall be left off for good?
thanks for your help.
03-15-2003, 01:44 AM
Software & Hardware -
03-20-2003, 06:32 AM
Software & Hardware -
This may sound stupid but are you using a "crossover" network cable or regular network cable?
Regular cables won't work when connecting 2 computers directly like you've described.
03-20-2003, 09:41 AM
Software & Hardware -
harrycary hes got a router so i would asume that both comps are hooked up to it with reg cat 5 cabbles besides he can get the inet too work on both
lil z u have too set up the microsoft client and enable file and printer sharing to shar file and printers across the network on the 98 comp go to net work naborhood and right click on it select properties and make shuer that client for microsoft net works is installed probly so sine ur inet is working if not add it by clicking on add->client->microsoft-> client for microsoft network and re start the comp then go to same place and click add->sevvice->file and printer service for microsoft network be fore u restart go to the same place and and under where it says add there is a box called primary net work logon slect client for microsoft net work and re start the comp after re start go to the same place again and click on file and printer sharing and check both boxes click on ok. click the tab at top that says identification and in the top box give ur comp a name in the 2nd box tell it the name of the workgroup make shuer its the same one as is on the xp comp now dubble click on the microsoft client and make shure that it log on to window domain is not checked and that log on and restore network connections is checked is restart and do the same thing to the Xp comp
now that we got every thing installed we need to share some stuff u can ether share whole drives or just certin folders in each drive too do this go to the drive or folder u want too share right click it and slect sharing click on share as and give it a name this is what it will show up as in network naborhood click on full and set a password do this too every drive and/or folder u want to share restart ur comp and dubble click on network nabor hood u should see both comps there as the name u gave them earley dubble cllick on the one that ur not on and u should see the names of all the file shares u just made and any printers connected to that comp dubble click on the file share and it will ask for the password type it in and ull see whats in it
to print from to the printer on the other comp just go to my computer and dubble click printer folder and dubble click add new printer a wisard will pop up and u just got to do what it says pick network printer when it asks and when it asks the path browse too the comp that has it and click it and say ok it may ask u for the printer drives disk so have it handy
hope this helps and good luck
03-20-2003, 11:44 AM
Software & Hardware -
the easiest way to set up the 98 is to use the xp disk, boot it up and on additional tasks there's a set up small network option that copies all the files u need
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