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Thread: We Are Losing Members Like Flies

  1. #11
    bujub22's Avatar THE GREAT
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    yah it sux that all the member are gone!
    this place died down so fast in the last 3 months ,that i to will prob to be leaving
    but not cuz the place is dying but becuz i need another job

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    is everything.
    Originally posted by bujub22@30 April 2004 - 16:24
    yah it sux that all the member are gone!
    this place died down so fast in the last 3 months ,that i to will prob to be leaving
    but not cuz the place is dying but becuz i need another job
    What? This is your current job, posting on this forum?

    You certainly put the hours in...

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Mate what the fuck you on about...Its a forum to drop by n talk man or findhelp..nothing to get too damn emotional abt.Wha you dont like or peeps is easy enough to ignore.Hex & friends were probably bannd for getting carried away n just plain assholes.

    Myself i've red hex describing the previous night drinkin ,driving ,carring guns ,in off topic sections.Its a family forum n always has been m8.And a very relax one (with images swearing,arguments.Hence the admins attitudes..imo

    You r m8 , i've start'd

    ...finish makin' smoke then relax man

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    atiVidia's Avatar ^would've been cool.
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Originally posted by ck-uk@30 April 2004 - 13:32
    Mate what the fuck you on about...Its a forum to drop by n talk man or findhelp..nothing to get too damn emotional abt.Wha you dont like or peeps is easy enough to ignore.Hex & friends were probably bannd for getting carried away n just plain assholes.

    Myself i've red hex describing the previous night drinkin ,driving ,carring guns ,in off topic sections.Its a family forum n always has been m8.And a very relax one (with images swearing,arguments.Hence the admins attitudes..imo

    You r m8 , i've start'd

    ...finish makin' smoke then relax man
    rofl im just trying to get some closure on th banning of h4x0r

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Feb 2003
    Originally posted by ck-uk@30 April 2004 - 18:32
    Mate what the fuck you on about...Its a forum to drop by n talk man or findhelp..nothing to get too damn emotional abt.Wha you dont like or peeps is easy enough to ignore.Hex & friends were probably bannd for getting carried away n just plain assholes.

    Myself i've red hex describing the previous night drinkin ,driving ,carring guns ,in off topic sections.Its a family forum n always has been m8.And a very relax one (with images swearing,arguments.Hence the admins attitudes..imo

    You r m8 , i've start'd

    ...finish makin' smoke then relax man
    Yup, there seems to be a lot of these type of threads at the moment...I find them mildly amusing but really, I wish there were more interesting things on here....perhaps I should think of a topic....ah...but that would involve engaging my brain and I don't feel like it just now....

    Oh...nice bit o skunk there ck???? good for colds ya know...purely medicinal!

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    London, so fuck y'all
    There's a fluffy thread now

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    shn's Avatar Ð3ƒμ|\|(7
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    May 2003
    Originally posted by atiVidia@30 April 2004 - 11:06
    well not really, but we still lose quite a few within the bast 3 months.
    this is an issue that needs to be dealt with, and NOW.

    any solutions?

    and give good ones! the members that are disappearing are very well known and respected members.
    don't bother.

    let it self-destruct.

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Port Dover, Ontario
    What has changed so much around here?


    And I mean that in many ways.

    People used to respect this place. The board, the administrators, the moderators and the members. That is disappearing. I'm not just pointing fingers at the members here either.

    It used to be we didn't need a list of rules as long as my arm, because the respect for this community was implied, understood, and abided. Now, it seems that certain people/groups of people are always looking for a loophole rather than just simply following the rules.

    It used to be that people could enjoy the board and have fun without bashing each other. Without trying to pick fights with each other. Sadly, I see this happening too much now, and for the past little while. It used to be that people could have fun without trashing the place, and unfortunately, it has become a sort of playroom for some.

    It used to be that when a moderator took action, they sent a PM to the person explaining that action, and tried, even if unsuccessfully, to resolve that problem. We used to step up and take responsibility for our actions. I use the example of Bo's signature, not one moderator has taken responsibility for doing that. A simple "I removed the signature, and this is why," was all that was needed, and had it been done in the beginning, it would have been over by now. But now it has blown up to epic proportions.

    It used to be that when someone screwed up, and I mean anyone, mod, admin, or member, they owned up, resolved it and moved forward. Now, people are either too full of themselves to admit wrongdoing and try to point the blame anywhere but themselves, or are too chickenshit to stand up and admit they fucked up and just disappear. It's come to a point that the team is afraid to admit they may have fucked up, because instead of getting the respect they deserve for admitting a mistake, they get a public execution.

    We have reasons for doing things the way we do them. Why do we keep harping on using the PM system for resolving issues? Because when it's done publicly it kills the atmosphere of the board. No one wants to come on and see constant disputes. I don't personally care if someone questions an action, send me a PM, I'll be happy to investigate it. But lately it seems like some members are hell bent on publicly embarrassing the team. And that gets nowhere. It's human nature. By bringing it up as such, the only thing it accomplishes is putting people on their defenses. After that, you can pretty much forget getting anything you want out of them. The longer it goes on, the less tolerant people become, to the point where they finally just say, enough is enough, and start silencing people.

    One final thing to say, and then I'll shut up about the whole thing.

    This board doesn't owe you anything - but if you give it the respect it deserves, you'll get the respect you deserve back from it.

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    atiVidia's Avatar ^would've been cool.
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    so when 1 member f__ks up the mods go on a rampage and ban ppl every week?

    thats not even remotely close to what u just said.

    most of us gave the board the respect the mods asked for. the select few (Dean + IN) screw the board and u fu<k up? im confused...

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    idunno sara...i google it.We never c skunk around here or its crap.Its all resin man..

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