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Thread: What I Am In The Mood For

  1. #1
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    I've been playing a lot of ATV offroad 2 at a friends place lately. I don't believe this has been made for pc yet...if ever. I would like a game that you have the choice of either race or free style competitions, etc. Does anyone have any good ideas for games that are simular to this?
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-

  2. Games   -   #2
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I know this is completely irrelevant to your thread.....but I thought you should know that my avatar is brilliant..thanks...Oh and thanks for letting me host it on your site.....

  3. Games   -   #3
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    LOL, Your welcome
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-

  4. Games   -   #4
    cool radiohead anami, paranoid android, awsome stuff.. B)

  5. Games   -   #5
    Try Motorcross Madness 2
    its old, but still is the closest thing to atv
    infact its almost identicle know that i think of if...!

  6. Games   -   #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Just dont get the rip because it only has baja courses (at least the one I got did)

  7. Games   -   #7
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    Originally posted by garretrevels@16 March 2003 - 17:19
    Try Motorcross Madness 2
    its old, but still is the closest thing to atv
    infact its almost identicle know that i think of if...!
    Great. THANKS
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-


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