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Thread: Need Some Book Suggestions

  1. #1
    abu_has_the_power's Avatar I have cool stars
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    summer's coming up, and i have 3 months of nothing to do. i need some good books to read. i'm gonna read the davinci code for sure. i need some more good books. i'm a fantasy/scifi/romance reader. i'm more into the fantasy part. any good book suggestions?

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
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    A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. It's a very good series.

    In order, they go:

    A Game of Thrones
    A Clash of Kings
    A Storm of Swords
    A Feast for Crows - which hasn't been published yet.

    Raymond E. Feist has a number of good books out as well. The Serpentwar Saga (Shadow of a Dark Queen, Rise of a Merchant Prince, Rage of a Demon King, and Shards of a Broken Crown), the Riftwar Saga (Magician, Silverthorn, and A Darkness at Sethanon), and a few of the stand-alones (The King's Buccaneer, Princes of the Blood) are good. I haven't read the newest ones, as they haven't reached me yet. I didn't really like The Riftwar Legacy or the joint effort Empire Series.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    You should check out Richard K. Morgan`s Takeshi Kovacs series:

    1st part Altered Carbon:


    2nd part Broken Angels:

    I have yet to read the second part but to tell you the first one was great! Just couldn`t put it down. Here`s a little synopsis:

    This fast-paced, densely textured, impressive first novel is an intriguing hybrid of William Gibson's Neuromancer and Norman Spinrad's Deus X. In the 25th century, it's difficult to die a final death. Humans are issued a cortical stack, implanted into their bodies, into which consciousness is "digitized" and from which-unless the stack is hopelessly damaged-their consciousness can be downloaded ("resleeved") with its memory intact, into a new body. While the Vatican is trying to make resleeving (at least of Catholics) illegal, centuries-old aristocrat Laurens Bancroft brings Takeshi Kovacs (an Envoy, a specially trained soldier used to being resleeved and trained to soak up clues from new environments) to Earth, where Kovacs is resleeved into a cop's body to investigate Bancroft's first mysterious, stack-damaging death. To solve the case, Kovacs must destroy his former Envoy enemies; outwit Bancroft's seductive, wily wife; dabble in United Nations politics; trust an AI that projects itself in the form of Jimi Hendrix; and deal with his growing physical and emotional attachment to Kristin Ortega, the police lieutenant who used to love the body he's been given. Kovacs rockets from the seediest hellholes on Earth, through virtual reality torture, into several gory firefights, and on to some exotic sexual escapades. Morgan's 25th-century Earth is convincing, while the questions he poses about how much Self is tied to body chemistry and how the rich believe themselves above the law are especially timely.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    If by sci-fi you mean things like Frank Herberts "Dune", then you could try the prelude to Dune Trilogy ("House Atreides", "House Harkonnen", and "House Corrino") written by Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson. Also in a similar vein by those two is "The Butlerian Jihad", which is set many thousands of years earlier in the same universe..

    Also, for quirky sci-fi, you can't go wrong with a bit of Iain M. Banks.. Especially "The Player of Games", "Use of Weapons", and "Consider Phlebas".

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Originally posted by Falconetti@13 May 2004 - 01:49
    You should check out Richard K. Morgan`s Takeshi Kovacs series:

    1st part Altered Carbon:


    2nd part Broken Angels:

    I have yet to read the second part but to tell you the first one was great! Just couldn`t put it down. Here`s a little synopsis:

    This fast-paced, densely textured, impressive first novel is an intriguing hybrid of William Gibson's Neuromancer and Norman Spinrad's Deus X. In the 25th century, it's difficult to die a final death. Humans are issued a cortical stack, implanted into their bodies, into which consciousness is "digitized" and from which-unless the stack is hopelessly damaged-their consciousness can be downloaded ("resleeved") with its memory intact, into a new body. While the Vatican is trying to make resleeving (at least of Catholics) illegal, centuries-old aristocrat Laurens Bancroft brings Takeshi Kovacs (an Envoy, a specially trained soldier used to being resleeved and trained to soak up clues from new environments) to Earth, where Kovacs is resleeved into a cop's body to investigate Bancroft's first mysterious, stack-damaging death. To solve the case, Kovacs must destroy his former Envoy enemies; outwit Bancroft's seductive, wily wife; dabble in United Nations politics; trust an AI that projects itself in the form of Jimi Hendrix; and deal with his growing physical and emotional attachment to Kristin Ortega, the police lieutenant who used to love the body he's been given. Kovacs rockets from the seediest hellholes on Earth, through virtual reality torture, into several gory firefights, and on to some exotic sexual escapades. Morgan's 25th-century Earth is convincing, while the questions he poses about how much Self is tied to body chemistry and how the rich believe themselves above the law are especially timely.
    I've recently finished the first one too. I thought it was excellent and really well written.

    Also, try David Brin The Kiln People (well I enjoyed it)
    Neil Stephenson - Neuromancer, Snow Crash
    and Philip Pullmans - His Dark Materials

    Oh...and if you fancy some old fantasy, try anything by Micheal Morcock. His books (over 40 of em) usually interlink with multiple universes. Don't think these are in print any more, but 2nd hand book shops should have some.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Gotta say it: Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' epic. It's about 10 books long the last time I checked (I just got through with book 10). Each book is about 8-900 pages. Fantastic. Sweeping. How he keeps it going at 10 + books is beyond me.

    MIchael Morcock-'The book of Years'

    Keith LaumerHuge collection of sci/fi

    Roger Zelanzy-More sci/fi, but the Chronicles of Amber are my fav...

    David Drake-'Hammers Slammers' Down and dirty, action packed sci/fi war stories with the baddest mercs in the galaxy!

    Robert Adams-'The Horseclans Saga' Post apocalyptic earth with swords, telepathy, some immortals, telapathic genetically altered horses (Horseclans) and Prarie cats (Cat clan). They live with the Clansmen in harmany as allies. The writer knows feudal type weapons and tactics. Great stuff. Out of print, but worthe the money.

    David Eddings: All of his stuff is great.

    Anne McCaffrey: All her stuff is great, but I love the stories of Pern.

    Last but certainly not least:
    Walter Jon Willaims-"Hardwired" My all time favorite.

    Here's the synopsis:

    Mudboys, dirtgirls, zonedancers, butonheads. Gravity-well dirt beneath the Orbital platforms which control their world. But the underground and the underworld declare war against the Orbital Heaven: in the air with delta fighters and military shuttles, in the interface of computer fraud and data flow, in flooded slum alleys with lasers and bombs. It's war with new warriors, new legends.

    Later taters

    Liberal: Lib er al Someone who's mind is so open their brains fell out.
    Real cars don't make horsepower at the front wheels, they lift them.
    Lead, follow or get yer ass run over!


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