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Thread: Strange Dreams

  1. #31
    brenda's Avatar Reborn again BT Rep: +3
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    Shoes = our ability, or lack of ablibty to be grounded and intouch in everyday life

    bees = we are the creators of situations that we may find uncontrolable

    i would normallu breakdown a drean into many differenct factors but i am absolutelyly

    This fate is worse than death. Condemned to live out existence in a vessel incapable of sustaining my true glory. How am I to function with such limitation? - Illyria

  2. Lounge   -   #32
    Originally posted by mortsapprentice@13 May 2004 - 16:21
    ok i've been having some odd dreams lately and were wondering what meaning if any they have. so here goes.........

    In the first my boots start to fall apart and i keep falling over so i buy some more they fall apart and i start falling over again this keeps repeating till i wake up 

    in the second dream...... spongy bees

    i am walking in some fields and i come accross a bee hive these bees look like bath sponges with wings . anyway they seemed to take offence at my presence and start to chase me so i scarper as quick as i can i find a shed and jump in to hide. at this point i look out the window and see a huge swarm start attacking the shed me most worried ..... i noticed my arm was tiggling so i looks down and the bees were all over me and my arm then falls off at this point i wake up.....

    what the fudge is that about  :helpsmile:

    boots = desire to open, if falling apart - to come out.
    bath sponges = gep
    Jumping in regard to bees = gay sex
    a shed to hide in = a longing for
    arm tingling = Withcheese


  3. Lounge   -   #33
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Originally posted by mortsapprentice@13 May 2004 - 17:38
    wow mr jacker you seem too either want a game cube or you play far too much as for shooting the old lady was it anyone you know

    as for the last one prob just hungry

    i like silly dreams the subconscious is a wonderful thing
    No infact I really don't want a Gamecube.
    No it wasn't any old lady I knew, and why the hell was I hunting in a parking lot anyway?
    Yes I probibly was hungry at the time of the last dream.

    Man my dreams are weird.

  4. Lounge   -   #34
    Originally posted by dwightfry@13 May 2004 - 17:12

    Me and my girlfriend Rachel go to a comedy sketch thing at a college. The show starts and turns out be the stupidest things ever. It was a series of horrible puns and insulting the audience. One by one people started to leave, but they would end up turning around and sitting down again. Finally me and rachel tried, and it turns out that they wouldn't let us. There were cops gaurding the door, and they said, "no one comes, no one goes". We sat down in the back row, right next to the door. When a cop wasn't looking, we ran. A cop ran after us, we ran up and down halls trying to find the way out. Finally we saw light from outside down the hallway, there was an exit, and got out of the building. Knowing that the cop may still be after us, I ran to the street and tried to flag down a taxi...but there wasn't any. But this black kid, riding a motorcycle pulled up onto the lawn. And a friend of mine, Mark, followed him. I told him my situation, and he said to take his motorcycle. We followed the black kid to another building, where there was a 'carnival' going on. He said it was okay to bring in the motorcycles. We went up the stairs and entered the building. There was a HUGE room, that looked like a horse riding arena. There was a stage, with Smashmouth playing 'Allstar'. Behind the band was a HUGE tarp, stretching almost the intire length of the arena. We went around to the other side of the tarp, and there were boxes and boxes and boxes of fireworks. I asked the black kid if there was a place to drive the motorcycle. He said yeah, and led us to another room where there was a walking track. He said, "you can ride in here today".

    (This is still my dream)

    I then wake up in front of my computer. In the lounge there is a post from Paul about a dream he just had about a 'carnival', Smashmouth, and another couple, (Me and Rach). I immediatly replied. Telling him, that I had the exact same thing, and Rach and I were the couple. Soon after other people replay claiming to have had the same dream. I know that it is all bullshit.

    Suddenly I'm in the basement of my parents house. (There is a part of my basement that is mostly concrete, very scary in the dark) Rachel is with me. We don't know how we got there. I then tell rachel about a strange occurance that occured in the basement. When they were building it, the walls split, and the split went up into the ceiling, and a peice of the ceiling came down revealing somewhere else. (meaning that the hole didn't go to the room above the basement).

    Suddenly me and Rach wake up in the basement by a horrible noise. (Everything before this, was a dream, in a dream) It sounds like there is speakers all around us. And there is a chorus of voices saying. "Tyler, it's your birthday". There are all types of voices. Low voices, High voices, voices that sound like witches, voices that are whispering. And there are bells and whistles going off. We immediatly run upstairs. My parents are their along with my sister. I try telling them about what just happened, but instead my mom would change the subject to how my dad is playing guitar now. I tried to get it across to her that something evil is in our basement, but she wouldn't listen.

    The doorbell rings. I go to answer it, and there is the black kid, (which is supposedly Paul), I ask him what he is doing here, and what is going on. He said he would explain, I let him in. My mom asked who he is, and I tell her "I don't know, but I'm going to find out". We go into my old bedroom, and he asks me to take all my money out of my pockets, I hand him about eight 20 dollar bills, one 5 dollar bill, and a couple of 1 dollar bills. He starts seperating them. I ask him what's going on. And he said, "well, you know the end of the world is coming. You know many details that most people don't. I am here to fill in the gaps, and to tell you more". I see through the window, the sky is turning a blood red.

    Then I really do wake up....get up....and write this post.
    i never remember my dreams and if i do there never somthing cool like that but i wanna know how it ends

  5. Lounge   -   #35
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    on something.
    Originally posted by brotherdoobie@14 May 2004 - 03:31
    However SnnY.... Your spelling of homosexual is quite hilarious,and
    I wish to thank you for the laugh.
    It's an old gag, but it still flies.

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