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Thread: If I Owned A Third World Country

  1. #1
    If I owned a third world country, I would want nuclear power.

    And of course, I'd have to have a few bombs to go with it.

    I would be a small country and would be in constant fear of my neighbors attacking me.

    I would need to test my nukes so I would start by trying a couple out on a particularly dificult neighbor who didn't have anything I wanted.
    That would get the other's attention and I'd be pretty much free to do whatever I wanted for awhile.

    Then I could do a few tests on some of the rebellious outer areas of my small empire.
    I would explain that I was testing the ability of soldiers to continue to fight in the event of a nuclear attack.

    I would need to find some way to ignore the environmental effects.
    Most of the world would figure we were a backward country though and that would not be too hard.
    If anyone made a big deal over it, I could point out that America and Australia did the same thing, and that would justify my actions.

    If I played it all out right, I could become a Superpower!!!

    That would be cool! B)

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Rocktron's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Den Haag, The Netherlands
    What's your point man?
    It all sounds a bit sick to me!

    Issit about world power? Do you want some? Even kill people to get some?

    I'm sorry for you but.... GET SOME HELP SOON!!

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Originally posted by Rocktron@16 March 2003 - 13:57
    What's your point man?
    It all sounds a bit sick to me!

    Issit about world power? Do you want some? Even kill people to get some?

    I'm sorry for you but.... GET SOME HELP SOON!!
    Ok, so why do you think Saddam does the things he does?
    How do you explain a 100% vote for a head of state?
    What do you think he would have felt free to do if not for the U.S. presence?
    If not for the impending attack?
    Do you believe he would have allowed inspectors in?
    Destroyed his weapons on his own?

    We tried the trade embargo.
    That failed due a a few countries who wanted his oil.

    Don't try justifying his actions by saying the U.S. did the same.
    That suggests the idea that two wrongs make a right.
    We have hopefully learned from our mistakes.
    And we know the results of a dictator being allowed to continue in his fashion.
    No country on this planet is without reproach but don't dare hold that up and say we should allow him to make the same mistakes.
    Some of those mistakes could have ended life on this planet if they had not been realized.

    Ok...Bush is a madman.
    Thats not really disputable.
    Daddy was in the CIA and you know how paranoid those guys are.
    But France is right.
    The U. S. presence on the borders of Iraq has forced their hand.
    They either comply or suffer the consequences.
    Sort of an upscaled version of standing a child in the corner for doing something wrong. If he refuses, you spank him a time or two...The first time.
    The next time you stick him in the corner, it should only take the threat of a spanking to get him to stand there.
    The idea is to use a spanking only as a last resort.

    And if you haven't noticed, the spanking seems eminent but it has not yet begun.

    But then, from what we've seen of Saddam, he may like it! :-"


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