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Thread: Svcd

  1. #1
    What is the difference between a svcd, a vcd and a DVD-rip?

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    VCD- MPEG 1 quality (sorta like a VHS but on disc)

    SVCD- a Super VCD that is MPEG2 quality but not on DVD discs

    DVD-rip - is a movie that was ripped from a DVD and was decoded down to an avi or mpg. Depeding on how you encode it, can either be VCD (MPEG 1) quality, SVCD or DVD quality (MPEG 2).

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    For more info. on vcds and such go Here

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    Originally posted by Shinigami@16 March 2003 - 19:19
    VCD- MPEG 1 quality (sorta like a VHS but on disc)

    SVCD- a Super VCD that is MPEG2 quality but not on DVD discs

    DVD-rip - is a movie that was ripped from a DVD and was decoded down to an avi or mpg. Depeding on how you encode it, can either be VCD (MPEG 1) quality, SVCD or DVD quality (MPEG 2).

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    Forum Star
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    Jun 2002
    DVD rip means that the source was a DVD.

    VCD and SVCD are both movie encoding formats.

    VCD uses MPEG-1 and has a fixed bitrate (~quality).
    SVCD uses MPEG-2 (more compression) and it can have different bitrates. Even a variable bitrate in a moviefile is possible.

    Usually SVCD is better quality as VCD. Due to better compression and higher bitrates.

  6. Movies & TV   -   #6
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Any DVD rips that you download, such as divx or avi, were first encoded in SVCD.--

    Proud member of MDS


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