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Thread: Saddam Wins The Election. Or

  1. #1
    How do you do that?
    How do you make every single person in a country so afraid of you that not one soul dares to vote against you?
    Does he only fix the polls?
    Does he have armed guards with instructions to shoot to kill anyone who votes wrong?
    I have a few ideas on how he may have done it legally.

    He could have changed the law so that it was illegal to vote against him.

    I don't think promissing food or money would have done it. Alot of people are too principled for that.
    Well...Unless it was a WHOLE LOT of money.

    He could have hunted down anyone who opposed him and revoke their citizenship like we did in the McCarthy era.

    He could have locked up anyone who potentially could vote against him and tell them its for their own protection because sentiment was so strong for him in Iraq. Of course he would release them after the election was over.
    We did something similar during WWII with the Japanese in this country.

    He could have only allowed the polls to remain open for 1 minute on a day and time known only to him for security reasons.

    He could have used firehoses and billy clubs on the citizens rallying to the polls, and said they were an unruly mob.
    I think Margaret Thatcher did that a few times.

    He could have simply let them all rally in one place in protest then send in the police to shoot them all down. The Tienamen Square masacre.

    He could have drafted them all into his army and sent them to fight the kurds.
    Russia was bad about that.

    Any other possibilities?
    I'm all out.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Ok is it just me or was that supposed to be funny ?

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    kAb's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    funny section? i don't think so.

    remember stalin? yeah, bad stuff.
    think about it, your neighbor says one day that "I don't think saddam is so great"
    the next day you don't have a neighbor. and yes, this really happens.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    I don't think there is really an election or something. It would not make sense in a place like iraq!

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    humm....all very interesting.....but I was also wondering how Bush managed to be elected....I mean, it's probably ok to count the votes..then..oops!, just found a new one in the backyard ppl!! Let's count em all over again , then when re-counting..the supreme court dicides that it's better to fuck the counting and flip a coin...

    ..just a thought

    edit: again , this post belongs in the Louge...or maby not since the elections in Irak AND US are nothing short of laughable

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    This original topic DOES belong here. This is the Joke Forum, and that election was certainly a joke.


    Jesus Christ, nobody ripped ne1GotZardoz's head off for voicing his opinion here, at any of the forums. I make one mention of Saddam (or the French) here, and everyone seems to tear me a new a**hole.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Originally posted by Spindulik@17 March 2003 - 04:10
    This original topic DOES belong here. This is the Joke Forum, and that election was certainly a joke.


    Jesus Christ, nobody ripped ne1GotZardoz's head off for voicing his opinion here, at any of the forums. I make one mention of Saddam (or the French) here, and everyone seems to tear me a new a**hole.
    I get ripped regularly.
    Look in the "Bush gives Ultimatum..." topic in this same forum.

    Ripping is good. I invite criticism.

    It means people are thinking for themselves...Not just accepting what their individual governments are saying.

    So what if their conclusions are skewed. :-"

    They're thinking for themselves. Of course they'll make mistakes.
    They'll eventually come to see things my way.

    (note to those who don't get sarcastic wit: That was a joke. I know you can't tell sometimes but it's ok. One day you recieve enlightenment like the rest of the world and be able to understand sharp humor).

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...
    Did everyone stop reading after Bush was sworn in? It was reported (even in the Flaming Lib media, albeit on the last page) that the count WAS finished about 8 months down the road, just too late to change the legalities for AlGore. Bush actually DID win, even increased the margin. I don't have a link, but you don't deserve one, and don't call me a liar. The story is there for those who care to look.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain


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