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Thread: Why?

  1. #1
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    When i was a lad....

    Seriously, the last few months have seen a distinct deterioration in the perceived attitude on the forum.

    This used to be a real friendly place; now everywhere I look there are Mods getting flamed for doing their...well I would say job, but that impies payment, and they are doing it free. Its volunteer work.

    The n00bs get flamed for no reason, and sometimes the established members (hell, i'll get flamed for starting this thread)....members seem to stalk each other across the board, flaming for no identifiably cause.... I mean, if you dislike someone, avoid 'em.....dont stalk them all over.

    Why is this?

    I thought at first that it was a blowover from the Forum war with TRX, but its getting worse, not better.

    Has there been a reduction of the average age of the members (or at least those that post anything)...and a large proportion are now in elementary school (or should be)...?

    For gods sake, this is supposed to be a 'community' with shared ideals...... The Mods are there for a purpose, they arent gonna go away...the more you flame them, then the greater the need for them.

    They are there to keep things tidy, and not let things go over the this respect they do a great job, I cant think of any SERIOUS forum that will let people get away with so much.

    No one expects that we will agree on everything, we're all individuals....If you disagree then say 'I disagree...because' but lets keep the flaming for the lounge...

    We have got somewhere to let our hair down.....lets keep the bickering in the one place guys...or I can see the Admin having to make some tough decisions in the near future.....

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    I wish I had a clap emote lol

    I agree to a point.. maybe someone ruffled your feathers.

    I kind of like it here

    Only here for a giggle..

    Its the internet after all

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by alan36uk@16 March 2003 - 19:03
    I wish I had a clap emote lol

    I agree to a point.. maybe someone ruffled your feathers.

    I kind of like it here

    Only here for a giggle..

    Its the internet after all

    the surprising thing is, no one has gone after me or ruffled my feathers....I expect that will change now though

    Its just something Ive noticed, and it gets to a point that you have to stand up and say something.......and I decided to stick up for the MODs instead of having ALL the threads flaming them

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Originally posted by Rat Faced+16 March 2003 - 20:07--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rat Faced @ 16 March 2003 - 20:07)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--alan36uk@16 March 2003 - 19:03
    I wish I had a clap emote lol

    I agree to a point.. maybe someone ruffled your feathers.

    I kind of like it here&nbsp;

    Only here for a giggle..

    Its the internet after all

    the surprising thing is, no one has gone after me or ruffled my feathers....I expect that will change now though

    Its just something Ive noticed, and it gets to a point that you have to stand up and say something.......and I decided to stick up for the MODs instead of having ALL the threads flaming them [/b][/quote]
    I know I lark about on here...
    some do take it to heart...
    I am with you though...
    The mods do a great job and I am
    warming to this place
    Damn did I say that ?

    A forum is for free speech so go for it &#33;&#33;

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    dwightfry's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Fargo, ND
    I totally agree. This place isn&#39;t as fun as it used to be.
    Life should come with backround music
    -Dwight Fry-
    Coconut, the desert's onion
    -Dwight Fry-
    Why stand when you can lean, why lean when you can sit, why sit when you can lounge, why lounge when you can lie
    -Dwight Fry-

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Originally posted by dwightfry@16 March 2003 - 20:17
    I totally agree. This place isn&#39;t as fun as it used to be.
    People come and people go...

    I have no idea what it USED to be like

    But I enjoy the banter with you all

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    tilen76's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I don&#39;t really know what to say. It sure isn&#39;t the same place it used to be.

    It could be the average age, eventhough I&#39;ve seen many adults joining lately too.

    There&#39;s definitely a lack of intelligence, or at least some sort of it.

    Some members, who contributed their humour and their intellect have been missing or not posting as much as they used to lately.
    I don&#39;t wanna name any names, but at least three of them come to my mind: deckard, Infested_Cats, UKMan.
    They all contributed a lot to the board atmosphere, I must say that. I sure miss their posts.

    And many members, even those who still contribute have found other places to hang out, so they automatically don&#39;t contribute as much as they used to. Which puts others into the spotlight more.

    And there&#39;s one thing that bothers me a lot:
    It seems that certain members just need to reply to every topic there is, even if they don&#39;t have anything useful to reply with. I don&#39;t know why, but this definitely contributes to the bad mood on the board. It leads every thread off the original topic, mainly into flaming and pesonal settlements.

    If someone wants to be funny, there&#39;s the "Funny stuff" room. Post the funnies there and leave the other rooms alone.


  8. Lounge   -   #8
    kAb's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Rat Faced:

    you are part of the problem.
    I posted my view of the war with iraq, and you got all pissed off at me for having an avatar of the wtc.

    you speak to soon. i don&#39;t know why that had to happen.

    calm down, take a couple deep breaths, and ignore the irregularities.

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Ynhockey's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I think this is happenning because regulars are becoming annoyed with all the threads that could be answered by simply reading the FAQ and by all &#39;kazaa is going down&#39; threads, and the like. Maybe i&#39;m not the one to speak as i haven&#39;t really been to this forum for long, but seriously, to me it seems like there&#39;s some &#39;n00b attack&#39; that&#39;s sorta ruining the forum.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by kAb@16 March 2003 - 20:50
    Rat Faced:

    you are part of the problem.
    I posted my view of the war with iraq, and you got all pissed off at me for having an avatar of the wtc.

    you speak to soon. i don&#39;t know why that had to happen.

    calm down, take a couple deep breaths, and ignore the irregularities.
    Hey you can&#39;t say Rat Faced is the problem, he made one comment to you and apologised for it, leave it at that&#33;

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