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Thread: No Such Nick/channel On Mirc

  1. #1
    Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum.. I was trying to use MIRC last night for my first time with some help. I downloaded MIRC from the following.

    and i was searching for movies from the following site.

    I can't remember the exact message but it was something like No such Nick/Channel. I was getting help from

    Can someone walk me through the above 2 sites so i don't get those errors and i can download the movies i want?? It's almost everyone i go to i was getting the message. I don't even know how to read the chat. Thanx for any help and replies.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    just search for the movie you want on Then click the bot# that you want to download and paste it into the channel window once mIRC opens. If you get the message "no such nick/channel" try another one-this just means the channel is no longer serving the bot that you want or that it's down. Happens a lot to me, packetnews and other sites like it sometimes list old bots and stuff. Try dlding ones that have low "Last seen" times.


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