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Thread: Isp Blocked P2p Software

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    annox -- the proxy service someone mentioned on another thread -- that would probably help you get p2p file sharing programs working. Your ISP's filters wouldn't be able to make sense of the encrypted traffic and would pass it along unthrottled.

    Sounds more like they've throttled p2p file-sharing speeds to really low values instead of blocking. If it's ip PORT-BLOCKING they're using, turn the tables on them and try non-standard ip ports... and if that doesn't work try ip ports 80, 8080, 21, 135-139, 445, and others that have official dedicated tasks that they DARE not block... not if they want to even claim they give 'internet access'.

    BTW, 'internet access' is NOT just access to the World Wide Web HTTP://www. .com websites. Any "ISP" that isn't giving access to various legal networks operating over the internet, which practially ALL file-sharing networks ARE, is not giving full internet access. A carefully worded question can even catch them in the lie of the claim.

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Hey Switeck...

    looked everywhere for what u were talking about bro - no luck - went through all the forums!!

    Would setting up a proxy server really work? Cos my ISP throttles my speeds, so im lucky to get 1kbps downloads, and they kill it alltogether during the day! They do admit to it, they say they block during the day, allow during the evenings and but limit speeds! Before they started this we used to download at a good 30kbps, which isnt bad for the connection we have.

    So where would I start going about setting up a proxy server, and is it really complicated...i am extremely computer literate - just not with proxy though i know what it is...will it made a diff???

    So what u reccomend??

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Nicksta@20 June 2004 - 16:29
    So where would I start going about setting up a proxy server, and is it really complicated...i am extremely computer literate - just not with proxy though i know what it is...will it made a diff???
    I don't know, I've NEVER used a remote proxy server/service before. Running a local proxy is worthless though, because the data traffic has to be encrpyted/disguised to get by your ISP's blocking filters.

    I use on occassion Peer Guardian blocklists in the various file-sharing programs I use. (BitTorrent, BearShare, Kazaa Lite K++) I *DO* update this list... or rather get someone else's updated list from time to time, as I know the old ip lists are often incorrect. This won't help or hurt your situation -- it's just to ban/block the badguys OUTSIDE my connection. Your ISP is your connection and thus you cannot 'block' them that way...

    BearShare uses encrpytion between BearShare-to-BearShare (v4.3.x and later) transfers, which *MIGHT* bypass the ISP's throttle controls. However you'd HAVE to use a non-standard ip port (in short NOT 6346&#33 for that to have ANY chance of going faster than dead slow even when it's NOT completely blocked.

    Your ISP during the day may have a blanket lockdown which only allows incomming traffic on specific ip ports such as 21, 25, and 80. If so, you'd HAVE to use one of those ip ports.

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