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Thread: P2p Appears To Be A Rapist Paradise

  1. #11
    Tikibonbon's Avatar It'll Get Ya Drunk!
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Austin, Tx...ya'll
    Originally posted by Disenfranchised@20 June 2004 - 00:31
    3rd gen noob & Tikibonbon seem happy to suck! Else way it's be easier to download at reasonable rates.
    Please inform me exactly how you come to this statement?

    I posted nothing but the truth.

    Do you deny that people will continue to scam others as long as people fall for it?

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Hey, there's one born every minute right?

    Whats with the "Rapist Paradise" title BTW?

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Why can't you have sympathy for people? I don't go round expecting everyone on this forum to have a degree in computing science, so they may not realise that the programs are available for free.

    Those evil scam sites always seem to look very professional, so it's understandable that some people are sucked in by them.
    The phrase "rapist's paradise" means that the p2p world is full of people trying to rip-off others.

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    Double Agent
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by Disenfranchised@19 June 2004 - 15:26
    [FONT=Times]Irecently decided to share 2600 plus mp3 files. I'm now using Kazza Lite and Kazaa lite ++ that "My Music .com" ripped me off for $25 or so. I recently downloaded emule and both programs sownload at 1 to 25 volume.

    If anyone can convince me this isn't like a Bush Tax cut - Surprize me!
    o dear anotha kazaa nub...

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    I just wish people would stop sneering all the time, that's all. We were all younger once, and did wrong things in the past. As they get older, they will learn more and not be so easily sucked in by scams.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    I just wish people would stop sneering all the time, that's all. We were all younger once, and did wrong things in the past. As they get older, they will learn more and not be so easily sucked in by scams.
    Too True, sparkle. Hell, it's not like we were born computer literate. Think back to the day when you didn't know shit bout comps or the net. How would you have liked being called a "dumb noob" for asking a question. There are few if any dumb questions.

    Have the decency to treat people with respect. If someone is so damn cynical or egotistical that they can't stop sneering then do us all a favor and STFU. If you have the time to sneer, you have the time to help. Joking is one thing, but these folks, noobs or not, have feelings. After all, I get enough BS in life. I don't want to get on the net, go through the trouble of creating and account here, logging in, creating a thread, and asking my question just to hear some asshole give me some stupid 'yer a noob' answer.

    In short: Is it so much to ask that someone can just answer the fecking question without the smartass BS?

    Later taters,

    Liberal: Lib er al Someone who's mind is so open their brains fell out.
    Real cars don't make horsepower at the front wheels, they lift them.
    Lead, follow or get yer ass run over!

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    I disagree, if you don't like it leave, I mean come on we all got it here when we came here, in fact this forum was great because of the constance flaming
    too bad pussy's like you ruined it

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Originally posted by Sparkle1984@22 June 2004 - 14:24
    The phrase "rapist's paradise" means that the p2p world is full of people trying to rip-off others.
    The rest of the world ain't much better.

    Oh well - sorry noobs, we'll try to play nicer.

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    Originally posted by muchspl2@25 June 2004 - 01:03
    I disagree, if you don't like it leave, I mean come on we all got it here when we came here, in fact this forum was great because of the constance flaming
    too bad pussy's like you ruined it
    So you like flaming, eh? So why don't you go and set up your own forum then, if you don't want to help people here, and then you'll be able to do what you want?

    There's no way I'm ever going to leave!
    I am very dedicated to this community - I try to help with questions when I know the answers, I have my own K-Lite file mirror, I have hundreds of files up for grabs on the various filesharing networks. I don't do this for nutters like you to call me a pussy!! :flame: And hopefully one day you will learn that it's not good to be a self-righteous jerk all of the time.

    Close this topic now, before it gets any worse!!

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    STFU & GTFU ---------------------->

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