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Thread: Any Males Here.........

  1. #21
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@22 June 2004 - 13:45
    Nah, mines front, just above my penis
    The one they used to hold ya nads to test

    Jonno B)
    I had one of those, very painful. Mine was above and to the right, so i couldnt walk properly without lotsa pain

    Its a postcode as to how long you have in Hospital.

    I was booked in for 9.00am for the operation and should have went home the same day, but i reacted to the knock out Juice so i was kept in for 3 days... thats in Newcastle... I hear that further South your in Hospital for 3-4 days anyway.

    Only hard and fast rule is they wont let you go until you've passed water...

    Was off work for 3 month in total, mostly before the op... But its rather tender for a couple of month afterwards, i wouldnt have gone back so quick if i had a manual job...but as a desk jockey, it was easier working than keeping the kids from climbing on me

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  2. Lounge   -   #22
    TheRealDave's Avatar †Problem child
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    wtf is it

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    Thanks RF, that makes me feel a whole lot better
    Mine is right side too, although just aches most of the time, I can handle it atm
    Altho I gotta wait 3-4 months to get a date for the op So realistically it might not be this year
    It's horrible, no one will let me lift anything or do anything (not that that stops me, I just get ear ache ) But I always been the "Ox" for want of a better term, move anything, lift anything kinda stuff you know?
    Now I'm getting women take heavy things off me
    Thats baaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
    Always been a "Ladies first" kinda guy , don't let women lift heavy stuff etc etc
    Thats what is actually pissing me off more than the pain

    Doc said same day release with Local sleep juice (can't spell anesthetic) and 2-3 weeks off work, but no lifting for 2 months min

    @TRD.......A hernia is where you guts come thru your stomach wall

    Jonno B)
    Thinking about 1
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  4. Lounge   -   #24
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Theres a shortcut i found....

    You have to wait 3-4 months for a Consultants appt, then he sets a date for the op...


    You can pay for a private consultant (In my case it turned out to be same guy ffs)...just took 1 week to get the appt, instead of months.

    Total cost: £60 for the Consultation.

    The Op was still on NHS...however I cut out about 4 months waiting.

    Oh yeah.... LIMP and winse when you go in, whether it hurts or not, its one of the things they're looking at to set priority for the op

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  5. Lounge   -   #25
    TheRealDave's Avatar †Problem child
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    Originally posted by JONNO_CELEBS@23 June 2004 - 01:38
    Thanks RF, that makes me feel a whole lot better
    Mine is right side too, although just aches most of the time, I can handle it atm
    Altho I gotta wait 3-4 months to get a date for the op So realistically it might not be this year
    It's horrible, no one will let me lift anything or do anything (not that that stops me, I just get ear ache ) But I always been the "Ox" for want of a better term, move anything, lift anything kinda stuff you know?
    Now I'm getting women take heavy things off me
    Thats baaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
    Always been a "Ladies first" kinda guy , don't let women lift heavy stuff etc etc
    Thats what is actually pissing me off more than the pain

    Doc said same day release with Local sleep juice (can't spell anesthetic) and 2-3 weeks off work, but no lifting for 2 months min

    @TRD.......A hernia is where you guts come thru your stomach wall

    Jonno B)
    damn i hope it doesn't happen to me, guess it must be really painful?

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    Spicker's Avatar AKA jaigandhi5 BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    just thinking about it making me sick...

    lol for me a appendix was painful!

    dam i didnt even noe wt hernia was until today

    wt do u mean ur "GUTS" come out the stocmach wall
    got a pic?

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  7. Lounge   -   #27
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    London, so fuck y'all
    8 mins till the football

  8. Lounge   -   #28
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Originally posted by jaigandhi5@24 June 2004 - 19:34

    wt do u mean ur "GUTS" come out the stocmach wall 
    Part of your Intestine is forced through the Muscle Groups and are effectively nipped into place by the other Muscles around them.

    How painful it is depends upon how much of the Intestine is involved, which Muscle Groups and the Location of the Hernia.

    A Hernia is most painful in Lower Stomach, to one side like Jonno has (and myself had) as the Muscles are constantly in Motion when you walk, and so they are constantly pulling and nipping the Intestine.

    How much pain, again depends upon how much Intestine is involved....mine was sticking out about 2 inches...was like a 2nd cawk

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  9. Lounge   -   #29
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    Originally posted by jaigandhi5@24 June 2004 - 19:34

    wt do u mean ur "GUTS" come out the stocmach wall 
    got a pic?   
    You have a stomach wall, it holds in your guts, mine is broke
    Like a ballon filled with Jelly that splits

    @Dan........Just has "Gooooo Portugal"

    @RF..........Thats what I said And yeah, pain when you walk, laugh, cough , sneeze, lift, bend over and sometimes when arroused Feels like a pulled muscle in my stomach and someone has thrown a coin at my right nad

    Jonno B)
    Thinking about 1
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  10. Lounge   -   #30
    Spicker's Avatar AKA jaigandhi5 BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    whoa cool (not)
    i hope i never get hernia... btw how do u get hernia? lifting heavy stuff? (boats )

    FC man good luck hopefully u can get the op sooner...

    but look on the bright side... no need to work for awhile maybe get some hot ladies to help u out (ladies feel sorry for disabled ppl or ppl with painful injuries)... also make sure u chek out the hospital first for the nurses and see how they look like

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