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Thread: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

  1. #61
    Originally posted by E-squirrel@1 July 2004 - 22:08
    Wow java, I'm glad you answered my question. Why is Bush a retard. Why is he a liar and why is he stupid? Give me reasons why you think this way and I will shut every one of them down because you are so ignorant and can't use factual information to back up your claims.
    well, why dont you give some reasons why he is not....
    I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #62
    Actually if your small ignorant brain could expand beyond the size of a raisin, we did find weapons. Sarin Nerve agent and Mustard Gas. We're not the only ones who thought they had weapons, retard. France, Russia and Germany believed they had weapons as well but they didn't want to get rid of a fucker who violated numerous UN resolutions and used weapons on his own people. These weapons could have been shipped to Syria, could have been destroyed before the war. A weapon of mass destruction could fit in your hand, I think it would be pretty difficult to find it in an entire country.

    Even if there weren't any weapons like you're suggesting, you're still trying to be a rebel and you're thinking so closed minded that as long as you can go against something of the administration you will. Because that's how the liberal media has trained you.

    Do I even need to tell you what Saddam did to his own people and to neighboring countries? Doesn't that alone justify this invasion? If Bush would have made that his primary reason for this war YOU STILL would have gone against it because you're a liberal. It doesn't fucking matter what the primary reason for this war would have been, you still would have gone against it, so to suggest that the war is not justified because of ONE reason without thinking, is rediculous.

  3. Movies & TV   -   #63
    Don't ignore my question Java. I asked you tell me in your oppinion why Bush is a "retard" or a "liar".

    Another strategy in the liberal playbook, don't answer the question, try to avoid it and bring up something else.

  4. Movies & TV   -   #64
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Originally posted by E-squirrel@1 July 2004 - 14:20
    Yeah azad, liberating 50 million people and capturing a murderous dictator who murdered millions of people and committed tons of crimes against humanity is much worse than 9/11. Knowing that Michael Moore is the producer of this movie, he uses all negative footage of Bush and makes it seem like it's unbearable over there and the troop morale is low etc etc. War has been historically proven to be violent, but you need to try to look past this movie, it's not a good reference.
    Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore > Moore than 700 lbs > and Moore BULLSHIT!
    ignorance is bliss i guess 4 ppl like u. thousands of civillians dead (and not just from the war rite now, i'm talking altogether since 1992 wit the continueious bombing since then and the sanctions and wat not), and for wat? oil? a "murderious dictator"? "50 million liberated"? wow, for a person that just gets spoon fed wit western media bullshit u sure do know a lot. maybe thats y ppl in iraq are terrified of americans, their so called liberators, maybe that's y an american soldier dies everyday. geez, i expected from ppl nowadays. WMD's? dear god no! oil? not a chance? murderous dictator? please! k, maybe the oil, but that's not the main reason. u guys will believe anything bush says along wit the media typical. american companies rushing in to "rebuild iraq" that cost 10 times more than wat iraqi companies could have done the same thing. god help us all, and i mean that, my heart goes out to every iraqi citizen and american soldier, death to bush and his posse.

    P.S. smartass, murderous dictator=weapons supplied by america and other nations so if he really was a murderous guy, y supply him in the first place, lmao

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  5. Movies & TV   -   #65
    Yeah, you're def a retarded liberal. No doubt about it. Not even worth my time.

  6. Movies & TV   -   #66
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Originally posted by E-squirrel@1 July 2004 - 17:50
    Yeah, you're def a retarded liberal. No doubt about it. Not even worth my time.
    i don't trust dems or repubs. definately not a liberal, like i said, ignorance 4 some is bliss thus the ignorance, u just make it 20 times easier to point that out so THANK YOU

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  7. Movies & TV   -   #67
    Ignorance? You're an idiot.

  8. Movies & TV   -   #68
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Squirrel, apparently you are a George Bush supporter. Instead of wasting your time in here trying to change people's minds about Bush, why don't you preach your shit in your community? Maybe people would take you seriously, because everyone in THIS thread certainly thinks you are a dumb ass.

  9. Movies & TV   -   #69
    Yeah it's a waste of my time. That's why I stopped. And not everyone in this forum thinks I'm a dumbass, just a few people that have posted many times which makes it seem like there's a lot.

  10. Movies & TV   -   #70
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Originally posted by E-squirrel@2 July 2004 - 02:56
    Yeah it's a waste of my time. That's why I stopped. And not everyone in this forum thinks I'm a dumbass, just a few people that have posted many times which makes it seem like there's a lot.
    lol, this is true.

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