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Thread: Fighting Games?

  1. #1
    Why are there no fighting games on pc?

    Anyone noticed this? I grew up playing them (streets of rage 2, street fighter, final fight one etc). Are there any?

  2. Games   -   #2
    u right!!

    the only fighting game left is mortal combat........

    thats sucks (not game, just the fact that there aren't any games)

  3. Games   -   #3
    i have all the supernintendo sega genessis games on my comp
    but i know what you mean theres not much out their for pc

  4. Games   -   #4
    I know. I love the Playstation games of BOXING, but none never found....why why why? i know people who have gotten Madden 2003, why not these games....???\



  5. Games   -   #5
    Wolfmight's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Feb 2003
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    there is Virtual Fighter 1 for pc but the graphics are like the ones on some of the first psx games... Huge Solid Color Square eyes lol

  6. Games   -   #6
    Originally posted by TRshady@18 March 2003 - 21:58
    Why are there no fighting games on pc?

    Anyone noticed this? I grew up playing them (streets of rage 2, street fighter, final fight one etc). Are there any?
    Ive got the sight for you

    Go here and get a MAME32 Emulater, and then go to

    Arcade Games, there you will find all the Street Fighters, Streetfighter Vs Xmen and so on.

    Check it out i have loads of them, they are awsome.

    100's and 100's of Games, can also get the Roms of K-Lite

  7. Games   -   #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    try doing a search for street fighter on kazaa
    i have a nice version of SF Alpha
    and i guess i dont have to mention mortal kombat, and like d00d said, theres tons of roms out there, like mame and neo geo which had plenty of fighting games u can play on pc.

  8. Games   -   #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    the new mortal kombut is very good and nice.... you should get him...

  9. Games   -   #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    is it for pc or ps2

  10. Games   -   #10
    Originally posted by TRshady@18 March 2003 - 22:58
    Why are there no fighting games on pc?

    Anyone noticed this? I grew up playing them (streets of rage 2, street fighter, final fight one etc). Are there any?
    download z-fighters vs world iam sharing it a cool dbz game with 150 bots

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