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Thread: Faster Speeds On Emule?

  1. #1
    How do you get faster speeds on eMule? I saw a thread that said you can have like 70kb/s but the link to the page is down. SOme1 help me out.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    This can be summed up two different ways.

    1. faster speeds come from people with faster connections
    2. upload alot

    As far as I can tell, I really don't see any advantage to using emule over kazaa, except that rare files (those over 700mb) are more easily shared there. I'm on a cable connection, and I sometimes leave my emule uploading for 12-24 hours or more, before I start downloading. I have gotten some fast connections, but most of them are 15k or less. --

    Proud member of MDS

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
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    HELL-you will be too_$oon enough
    no you can't really get faster speeds it all depends on your connection.but they each have their advantages.
    the point of using emule is that you don't get corrupted files this can really be a big thing if you download alot of bin's and iso's.the downside is that you have to sit in longer queues to get em. but another upside(and I think probably the only reason it's not bigger than kazaa) is that you can't leech.YOU HAVE TO SHARE FUCK THE KAZAA LEECHERS

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Isn't there now a way to disable the "credit system" in the new 27a version?--

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  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Talking of emule...I have downloaded a couple of progs from it, and had a bigger file set to dl overnight. Next morning its not completed so turned off the comp and went to work...that evening I thought hmmm will switch it all back on again and continue downloading....but ....nope.....all gone!!!!! what the f&%*!!!!!!! this seems to happen all the soon as I switch off, all my partial downloads disappear...any ideas?

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by sara5564@18 March 2003 - 22:05
    Talking of emule...I have downloaded a couple of progs from it, and had a bigger file set to dl overnight. Next morning its not completed so turned off the comp and went to work...that evening I thought hmmm will switch it all back on again and continue downloading....but ....nope.....all gone!!!!! what the f&%*!!!!!!! this seems to happen all the soon as I switch off, all my partial downloads disappear...any ideas?
    are you closing emule (as in it's gone from system tray and everything) before you shutdown your computer?? If not, that could be causing that to happen

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    SideSwiped's Avatar LB 3880
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    You need to fully exit eMule before shutting down in order for your partials to remain intact, otherwise they end up getting dumped.

    As for faster speeds, the credit system has something to do with it, but check out your connection, make sure you're on a high connection and go back to the server list and pick up the 'best server' list. That list contains only those servers which permit nothing but high connections. Also, in preferences set your priority rating to automatic. With low credit, due to having recently formatting my hd I downloaded 3 movies in about 9 hours each over 700 megs. My speed maxxed at 76 kBs for one movie, 62kBs for the second and 67kBs for the third on simul d/l's. Not bad for no credit. But the movies were all high priority movies. my d/l was 2.4 gigs my total up was less than half.

    Another thing to consider is what bandwidth you allow for uploading. You want your upload bandwidth to be no less than 10% of your max d/l limit and no greater than 14% so as to allow for overhead. If you can stick to something in between, it's an automatic credit boost.

    My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash, and it's gone.

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    I thought that emule was rubbish in comparison with kazaa lite, I could'nt get it to work at first but wen I did it downloaded for about 30mins but then it totally f***ed up and wouldnt find ANY sources for the download , which I think was down to my firewall , but Im unsure. Id like to get it to work but I think it's user interface is crap and u are never sure what it is doing and wen it is going to start to download

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    SideSwiped's Avatar LB 3880
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    One of the things that eMule has in common with K++ is that if you're computer asks for a file too frequently within a certain period of time you will be banned. The banned party is unaware of being banned and you end up in like an eternal queue. I don't recall where, but I think you can adjust how many times you search within a certain time period. This may have been what happened to you al_birkett. But when you say the program completely messed up, was it just that you could no longer find or d/l the file? Or did it cause an error and shut down?

    My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash, and it's gone.


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