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Thread: Batch File Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lemoore, CA
    I 'm making a batch file to annoy my friend it looks like this

    net send IP Removed "I am so bored"
    goto loop
    I want to know how to make it only loop so many times though. I would figure to do this I would set a variable and then add one to it evertime and tell it only to loop if the variable is under whatever number. I don't know if you can do that with a batch file or how if you can. Does anyone know.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    net send 555.666.777.888 "Replace this message and IP number"
    set c=!%c%
    if not %c%==!!!!!!!!!! goto loop
    net send 555.666.777.888 "This was the last time."
    Set the last line to another amount of !'s to do it more times. Every ! will loop once.
    You can remove/change the last net send.

    The following one is modified, you'll need a file from a 9X machine too.
    This will wait one second between every message.
    net send 555.666.777.888 "Replace this message and IP number"
    set c=!%c%
    choice /n /c:@ /t:@,1
    if not %c%==!!!!!!!!!! goto loop
    net send 555.666.777.888 "This was the last time."


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