Thanks for taking the time to read the thread and reply.

I guess I did a poor job of explaining myself in that thread.
The race car flow restrictor example was never intended as a direct comparison to PC watercooling.

The original question " How big is too big" was answered (paraphrase) "There is no such thing as too big...bigger is always better".
This struck me as ludicrous from a purely practical standpoint.
Unfortunately, we quickly got sidetracted into "blind 'em with bullshit" theoretical discussion involving charts, textbook copy/paste and ( for some reason still unknown to me) electrical formulae.

I would never have even entered the fray there except I grew tired of seeing people whose posted performance numbers are worse than mine advise others about how to replicate their substandard results.

Did it not strike you as odd that none of the "bigger is better" advocates ever called for my temps to compare with theirs?
I kept waiting and was ready to do so, but apparently, knowing the Laws of Thermodynamics is more important than cooling your PC.

I have enjoyed my time in the normal "Cooling" section of the OC forums and hoped to expand into the watercooling section also, but it's a closed club and I don't think my invitation is in the mail.