Would like to hook up directly P2P with another machine each on a LAN via internet using KL. In other words I want to see directly to another machine.....possible?
03-19-2003, 09:51 PM
File Sharing -
OK, i think youre trying to say that, you want to share files directly from A to B, where the PCs are connected over the internet.
If so, then not really, there are ways to do it with Kazaa, but theyre long and cumbersome. The easiest way is to use a program like Bullet Proof which is an ftp server. Set it up one the host PC, and then you can dl to the other via IE6 or an ftp server on the other machine.
hope this helps
03-19-2003, 10:24 PM
File Sharing -
thanks fellow V, your are exactly right I want to go from point A to ponnt B........
I think you are right I probably should work toward an ftp solution...
03-19-2003, 10:28 PM
File Sharing -
yeah, i think the benefits are mainly that you can dl exclusively....dont know which windows is on the recieving machine...if its XP, then your fine, but if not, then you'll need an ftp thing at that side, but thats about where my knowledge runs out....glad i could help
Oh yeah, actually, you could use SoulSeek, to do it.....set urself in your buddy list either end, and then browse your own files...sounds strange, but this way, you'll be able to share with others, and dl from others at the same time....boy am i good with the advice today!
03-19-2003, 10:28 PM
File Sharing -
Don't know the technical details, but at soulseek I can browse other peoples hard drives ( the permitted parts) and download direct.
If you are interested in sharing music then that is well worth a look. See the pinned about this subject.
Direct Connect does the same type of thing, I think.
03-20-2003, 11:33 AM
File Sharing -
Don't think you can wih Kazaa but you can do it with PC Anywhere. It's very good as I use it for my business.

PC Anywhere website
03-20-2003, 11:36 AM
File Sharing -
never tried it but i thought u could do this with ICQ? anyone tried it
03-21-2003, 08:55 PM
File Sharing -
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