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Thread: Oem Bare Drive Instalation

  1. #1

    I have a 80 gig HD on the way via UPS as we speak.

    I have looked inside my computer and it has an open slot above my normal drive and seeming the right cables ready and waiting to be utilsed.

    I plan to use the drive as a slave.

    This is what I think i have to do, slap the drive in the open slot, plug in some long 100 pin cord, and some smaller cord as a power supply.

    Then what?

    TUrn my computer on and let XP recognise it?

    any help would be appreciated.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    thats prity much it dude most newer bios will automatacly detect it havent put one in an xp sys yet but it should find it an may even offer to format it for u if not just go to the drive manager and tell it to format it i would sugest u use ntfs as its a fairly secure file system un less u want to use a dule boot system to boot win95/98 then id use fat32 as win 95\98 wont be able to read ntfs

    good luck

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
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    New York
    You also have to set the jumpers to act as slave.

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Yes, as Supernatural said, set the jumper to slave on the drive before you install it into the case.

    The drive needs to have at least one partition on it before it can be formatted. Use NTFS if you other drive is NTFS. Use Fat32 if it's fat32. You can tell what type of file system you have by going to 'My computer'>Right click on the drive icon>choose properties from the menu. You will see "File System" there.

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
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    New York
    I suggest using NTSF, since FAT32 is limited to 32GB. Splitting up that big drive into mulitiple partitions is just an inconveniance.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    split it up, fdisk and set some partitions, otherwise you are in for a world of pain, u know how long it takes to defrag 80 gig of clutter!

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
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    New York
    NTFS defrags fast, because it can be indexed for faster searching.. unlike FAT32.

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    thanks for the adivce...

    the drive has yet to arive but it will be shortly.

    my default drive the came with my computer is NTFS... so i will go with that setting.

    Where is the jumper switch? on my new drive or a cable some where, or my old drive?

    is it just a simple switch that is labeled slave and "master" or what ever the other one is called.


  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    Once you get your new drive you will see a sticker or something that will show you the 'slave' mode. On every drive I have seen it is a simple matter of moving a jumper to the right position. And, yes, It is on the drive unit itself.

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Look on the drive itself you will see a "picture" it will show something like :::: This will show you how to set the drive. Below this diagram it will show how different jumper settings will effect the drive.

    There will be a jumper to place at the back of the drive. This will be across two of the pins at the back. It is normally placed on the pins to set them as a master. A jumper is just a wee bit of plastic which connects the appropriate pins. You put the wee bit of plastic across the appropriate ones to decide if it is a master of slave.

    Look at the back of the drive where the ide and power cables will connect. You will see the :::: in real life, along with the jumper.

    Simply place the jumper across the appropriate pins, so that it looks something like ::i:. Then install the drive as discussed. Remember if you install it as a slave then it will have to be on the same chanell as a master. In a normal system you can have four ide drives. Primary master and slave. Secondary master and slave. It is normal for your primary master to be your boot hard drive.

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