Why cant i start a poll?
Admins and mods are the only ones to start polls.
Originally posted by [-Crono-]@22 March 2003 - 04:49
Why cant i start a poll?
heh,, so you decided to make a new name eh... lolz
ummm chrono dude... :rtfaq: before you ask these questions since the answers can all be found there... or use the search...
i say :rtfaq: and do a search before asking .
Not again...looking for a pinned now
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[-Crono-] - if you want to start a poll, pm a mod or admin..... if they think its something worth while then i'm sure they'll start one for you
Originally posted by vegeta@22 March 2003 - 09:14
i say :rtfaq: and do a search before asking .
:rtfaq: yes that would be wise... i said that before since like 3 of the questions he asked is one of those newcomer questions
former star
Only Addmins and mods can start them, if you have a strong need for one you can ask one of them.
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