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Thread: Fakes And Irritant

  1. #1
    F to all those who rename files and provide fake copies to up their participation level.

    Here's a short list I have compiled that are fakes.
    Most of them are 700+mb mimicking the divx file size
    Most of them are the movie "half baked" instead of the real thing

    Triple X [XXX][DIVX][Full].avi
    Triple X [XXX].avi
    Triple disel.divx.avi

    Tears of the sun (DVD)(DIVX).avi
    Tears of the sun.divx.avi
    Tears of the sun.mpg
    this is esp bad bec up to 25 chaps can be d/l the fake file

    The Recruit-Movie.avi
    The Recruit(1).avi

    Here's my way of checking before complete download.
    1. Use datview to create a mpeg file before complete d/l
    2. Usually after 5-10% d/l of dat file, a short movie can be created.
    3. Use virtual dub to recreate missing bits in the avi file
    4. View the file

    Hope some decent chaps out there can add to the list of fakes

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Darth Sushi's Avatar Sushi Lord
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by TSMing@23 March 2003 - 15:42
    Here's my way of checking before complete download.
    1. Use datview to create a mpeg file before complete d/l
    2. Usually after 5-10% d/l of dat file, a short movie can be created.
    3. Use virtual dub to recreate missing bits in the avi file
    4. View the file
    What version of K-Lite are you using? The lastest K++ includes AVI-Preview, which can open the dat file directly for viewing while DL.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    well it doesnt really matter much to me... since my connection is fast enough... i never check the preview of it... anywayz just in case i usually dl 2 - 3 of the same object just to be sure its right... and i always pick hte one w/ the highest kb...

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Soul814@23 March 2003 - 14:58
    well it doesnt really matter much to me... since my connection is fast enough... i never check the preview of it... anywayz just in case i usually dl 2 - 3 of the same object just to be sure its right... and i always pick hte one w/ the highest kb...
    surely if you are downloading 700Mb at a time your ISP will get suspicious
    Overnet Lite 0.53

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