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Thread: Screanshots Of Longhorn

  1. #1
    Well I did say, I would get some screanshots of the new windows, now I no that there is sevreal sites with screanshots. but they are well to but it bluntly 'Crap'. go to this web site and you will see my shots.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    does it run ok ? i downloaded it, still to install it not had the time.
    i going to install it with virtual pc, also have i still to burn the iso onto disk
    if i'am going to use virtual pc? not sure how to work this virtual pc.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    I wouldnt touch it with a BARGEPOLE
    Why install something thats HALF FINISHED ?

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Originally posted by alan36uk@23 March 2003 - 15:45
    I wouldnt touch it with a BARGEPOLE
    Why install something thats HALF FINISHED ?
    because it is nice to see what they have done so far. just cos you havent got it.

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Nice job Wiz. What do you think of it so far? I appreciate your efforts ,.....thanx.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    North East England, UK
    hey wiz, best screenshots ive seen so far

    does it seem to be much better? from the screenshots it looks VERY similar to XP, just wondering if they've changed a great deal, or if its just to try to improve on the software piracy thing....sorry to sound cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're pissed about XP being got to so easily?

    thanks for the shots dude
    <insert signature here>


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