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Thread: Ps2, Xbox Games On Pc

  1. #21
    Fasttracker A
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yeah the Ti series are dam good
    Im thinking about another fan though since i run kazaa 24/7 better safe than sorry

    And the ath xp series pross. are getting dam cheap since they started developing the 3600.
    Did you hear their not gonna make regular amd's any more,since they joined up w/ IBM

  2. Games   -   #22
    u cant play ps2 xbox or gamecube games on a computer coz they aren't those old rom kinda filer ( read only memory )
    da meulators for ps2 xbox and gamecube exist but u cant play games on it only get viruses
    what u can play is
    -any atary game using a emulator
    -n64 using a emulator
    -snes using a emulator
    -nes using a emulator
    -master system , genesis and game gear using emulators
    and other unsucsesful console of da 80's and 90's

  3. Games   -   #23

    It's called a Dell. His specs are just like mine. Mark2003: 4500 roughly.

    You know you don't have to pass a test to buy a computer, just some money.

    Some of us have never had any computer training, so we are just wobbling around with training wheels in place, looking for assistance.

    Thanks for being a friend.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  4. Games   -   #24
    Originally posted by Xanitus@24 March 2003 - 02:38
    this was an idiotic question first of all, second of all if you know a great deal about emulators and roms and didn't you think of emulators and roms, second of all anyone with that type of computer and talks like you, shouldn't have that type of computer, I am 90 percent positive you are lieing about the specs of your machine also...3.06 P4's are fairly new and don't include Radeon 9700 pro's from most if this is all true, then I feel sad for you, either way you are a pretty pathetic person, and another thing, I read through the forum every month of so looking for DVD rips (i hardly use kazaa, so many idiotic fakes on actual existing files), but I am not surprised how many NEW people use kazaa, It's like somebody got a subscription to AOL and instantly use Kazaa, is it like the noob P2P program online now? I couldn't believe some of the posts people made, UMMM where can i find Matrix reloaded, (WTF why in gods name would Reloaded be released) they are donwloading movies that couldn't possibly be out yet....The Hulk...Terminator 3...the most STUPID posts EVER in a forum. Please, am I alone in thinking that this post should be sticked for all the morons out there who think that kazaa is some great place to find real files...because ONCE in a while I can find a DVD rip a month after the DVD has been out....use a real program mIRC, eDonkey, Direct Connect, Bit Torrent, god...even Morpheus is better than kazaa, otherwise if you want a list of viruses, fakes, and shit programs, use Kazaa today! There is my 2 cents...will be my last post.
    I have not read any further, before I read this I was ready to hit him.

  5. Games   -   #25
    no one is having a go at you babanadude ,its that idiot Xanitus we were all jumping on. he starts a debate about something he obviously knows nothing about and then hasn,t the balls to stick around and get put straight about.typical moron behavour,maybe he,s from the movie industry

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