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Thread: Did Anyone See Dreamcatcher In Theaters Yet?

  1. #1
    Yeh, well I was just wondering what everyone else thought about the flick. I thought it kicked a lot of ass, but somethings in the movie werent needed and could of been replaced with more action, but I still think it was really good and if you have already seen it on your comp then you should see it in theaters because its a lot better. I also liked the animatrix thing. I am a hella big matrix nerd so one of the main reasons why I went to the movie was to see the final flight of osiris. It was kool, the gfx were fucking awesome, wen it first started i thought it was real. It was funny tho bcuz a lot of ppl walked out of the theater thinking they went to see the wrong movie on accident. heh..

    So i give dreamcatcher a 9/10
    and Final Flight Of Osiris a 8/10

    tell me wat u think

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Jan 2003
    The Animatrix was good, definitely an improvement over the Final Fantasy movie a few years back. I was really impressed with the CGI this time around. The Dreamcatcher movie was good too. Not as good as The Ring, but still worth seeing. If any of you have read the book, you'll notice some differences between the book and the movie. Mostly these are done to move the film along, but some things were completely changed. I've read most of King's books and seen all his movies. Most of King's books have been changed in order for them to translate to the screen.--
    Proud member of MDS


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