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Thread: Flt-am2b.bin, What Do I Do With It?

  1. #1
    ok, I downloaded the file FLT-AM2B.BIN which is supposed to be age of mythology cd 1 but what do I do with it?

    I've tried using winrar, but that says there's no archives.
    double clicking it just flashes an ms-dos box.

    Anyone have this or knows what to do with it?

    P.S: also, when people say rename (to .exe for example), do they mean to
    simply rename the filename?

    STOP: ok, thought of something while writing this and it worked, convert it to an ISO using winISO. Problem solved, cheers TRshady

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    extract it w/ WINISO! or isobuster... i use isobuster now it just works better... i dled the same thing but i managed to extract it and now i got it into cds... the play doesnt work ofcourse but thatz why therez cracks in teh cd lol...

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Originally posted by TRshady@23 March 2003 - 23:26
    STOP: ok, thought of something while writing this and it worked, convert it to an ISO using winISO. Problem solved, cheers TRshady
    I just said that.

    Glad you downloaded it to, so your'e saying it does work?

    don't get what you mean by "the play doesn't work", is that autoplay?

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    no i said if u copy both cds into a cd... the install will work autoplay but the play cd cant be used to Play The game... you will have to get a no cd crack if itz not already inside the iso... has alot


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