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Thread: Is There A Way To...

  1. #1
    My ISP only allows a combined 15 gigs of UL/DL per month, shared between two PC's, before I'm kicked back to 64 kb/s. So :

    Is there a client/plugin/setting/whatever that can start counting my total BT traffic from the first of the month, add up UL and DL, pause all my downloads once it reaches a certain limit (say 5 gigs), then unpause the downloads and start again on the fiirst of the next month ?

    Right ow I'm using BitComet, but it doesn't look like I can cap the total amount downloaded/uploaded, just the speeds.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New York
    I would suggest switching ISPs, if possible.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    If you dont want to switch. Get NetLimiter.
    Need a cheap/easy way of modding your xbox? Check this out.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Can't switch, right now I'm with the best of a barely-mediocre bunch. I'll look into netlimiter, thanks.


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