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Thread: Michael Moore's Acceptance Speech

  1. #51
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Woodstock NY
    I wonder if I should point out to her that the african influence talked about is not Sub-Saharan (i.e. black) African but Northern African?

    Now we have racist americans, the KKK and Jesus was not a jew all in one thread?

    I'll give Zardoz this, she really must put thought into sounding so uneducated.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #52
    Originally posted by SuperJude™@25 March 2003 - 21:03
    Now we have racist americans, the KKK and Jesus was not a jew all in one thread?
    You are right - this is quite an achievement.
    Maybe we all missed the twist - and learn that all people who didn't like Michael Moore's speech are KKK members who support the war because the hidden agenda behind it is to obscure that Jesus was black.
    I rest my case in awe.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #53
    Originally posted by Skillian@25 March 2003 - 20:56
    Zardoz, give it a rest mate. Who mentioned the KKK? This was a topic about Michael Moore until you introduced racism (?) in you first post and religion in your second. It's too late now I guess, the thread has been ruined, but try to see through some of the insults you are getting and realise that they actually have a point.

    Although it is quite ironic that before you came along people were talking about Michael Moore using an innapropriate time and place to get his views across, don't you think?
    Well said Skillian.Zardoz - Just leave it for another thread. This was supposed to be about Michael Moore and his Oscar speech. It was not about you trying to bait people with different beliefs than your own. I was trying to read through your previous posts to try and get an insight into your thinking, but I couldn't find any coherent arguments or lines of thinking. Why don't you tell us why you feel so "Anti-Everything"?? Is it an age thing? A little teenage angst? I'm sure the rest of the forum would like to hear your reasons. BUT in a different thread!!!! And try finding a fucking dictionary whilst you're about it.

    Thanks for your time.
    Signature removed

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #54
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  5. The Drawing Room   -   #55
    ClubDiggler's Avatar Poster
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    I think this post has way too much controversy. B)

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #56
    The lounge is for any topic but ohhh my its turning into a war zone.
    Threads get lost and all hell breaks loose.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #57
    Back to topic :

    Monday, March 17, 2003
    A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War

    George W. Bush
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
    Washington, DC

    Dear Governor Bush:

    So today is what you call "the moment of truth," the day that "France and the rest of world have to show their cards on the table." I'm glad to hear that this day has finally arrived. Because, I gotta tell ya, having survived 440 days of your lying and conniving, I wasn't sure if I could take much more. So I'm glad to hear that today is Truth Day, 'cause I got a few truths I would like to share with you:

    1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox News aside) who is gung-ho to go to war. Trust me on this one. Walk out of the White House and on to any street in America and try to find five people who are PASSIONATE about wanting to kill Iraqis. YOU WON'T FIND THEM! Why? 'Cause NO Iraqis have ever come here and killed any of us! No Iraqi has even threatened to do that. You see, this is how we average Americans think: If a certain so-and-so is not perceived as a threat to our lives, then, believe it or not, we don't want to kill him! Funny how that works!

    2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for things to improve.

    3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr. Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them.

    4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The Pope! But even worse, the Dixie Chicks have now come out against you! How bad does it have to get before you realize that you are an army of one on this war? Of course, this is a war you personally won't have to fight. Just like when you went AWOL while the poor were shipped to Vietnam in your place.

    5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of South Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! If you really want to stand up for America, please send your twin daughters over to Kuwait right now and let them don their chemical warfare suits. And let's see every member of Congress with a child of military age also sacrifice their kids for this war effort. What's that you say? You don't THINK so? Well, hey, guess what -- we don't think so either!

    6. Finally, we love France. Yes, they have pulled some royal screw-ups. Yes, some of them can be pretty damn annoying. But have you forgotten we wouldn't even have this country known as America if it weren't for the French? That it was their help in the Revolutionary War that won it for us? That our greatest thinkers and founding fathers -- Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in Paris where they refined the concepts that lead to our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution? That it was France who gave us our Statue of Liberty, a Frenchman who built the Chevrolet, and a pair of French brothers who invented the movies? And now they are doing what only a good friend can do -- tell you the truth about yourself, straight, no b.s. Quit pissing on the French and thank them for getting it right for once. You know, you really should have traveled more (like once) before you took over. Your ignorance of the world has not only made you look stupid, it has painted you into a corner you can't get out of.

    Well, cheer up -- there IS good news. If you do go through with this war, more than likely it will be over soon because I'm guessing there aren't a lot of Iraqis willing to lay down their lives to protect Saddam Hussein. After you "win" the war, you will enjoy a huge bump in the popularity polls as everyone loves a winner -- and who doesn't like to see a good ass-whoopin' every now and then (especially when it 's some third world ass&#33. So try your best to ride this victory all the way to next year's election. Of course, that's still a long ways away, so we'll all get to have a good hardy-har-har while we watch the economy sink even further down the toilet!

    But, hey, who knows -- maybe you'll find Osama a few days before the election! See, start thinking like THAT! Keep hope alive! Kill Iraqis -- they got our oil!!


    Michael Moore

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #58
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Woodstock NY
    ketoprak you are a fucking jerkoff.

    You people happy? I used foul language. Enjoy!

    But a lot of you people are fucking jerk offs and I am sick of reading your feeble minded bullshit.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #59
    Originally posted by SuperJude™@26 March 2003 - 12:59
    ketoprak you are a fucking jerkoff.

    You people happy? I used foul language. Enjoy!

    But a lot of you people are fucking jerk offs and I am sick of reading your feeble minded bullshit.

    Thanks SJ, that was so deep and accurate.

    People who decided this must have the same diplomatic line of argument as you do.

    Makes me understand why we have this war.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Zardoz+25 March 2003 - 19:46--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Zardoz @ 25 March 2003 - 19:46)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    Originally posted by -mrcall1969@25 March 2003 - 18:00
    Originally posted by -Zardoz@25 March 2003 - 17:14
    @25 March 2003 - 16:08
    I do not take the opinion of the pope seriously at all, I would rather listen to the nausiating twang of the dixie chix..

    how dare an organization responsible for so much death in the middle east and around the world try to look down thier nose at anyone.

    The fucking pope has no legitamacy in world affairs other than the fact that he has crawled his way to the top of a political group like any other dirty politician.

    As for Michael Moore&#39;s speach, take it the same way you would any other sheltered bitch. (Like Bush) He is ranting about having things his own way...(like Bush) Why can&#39;t we all just stop trying to get along and get the apocalypse (sp?) over with?&#33;?&#33;

    I agree the Catholics only stand on their pompous pedestal when it suits them.
    They completely failed to defend the Jews in WW2 because of what Hitler and musalini might have done when Italy got invaded

    The Vatican is the home of Hypocritical Cowards; To clear up a few misconceptions about myself, I think most of the people in Americana (however I may dissagree with some.) are dedicated and brave. I cannot say the same for catholics.

    Please do not attack me on the catholic issue you wont like what comes out.

    I dont agree with your opinion an Michael Moore but I don&#39;t know any more of him other than he is a director of controversial films etc. and I don&#39;t completely understand the comment "sheltered bitch" I assume it&#39;s an American Colloquialism.

    you also totally have a point with Bush.

    Zardoz, take a deep breath, sit back and read what you have written in your threads. All I can see in them is bitterness, racism and bigotry, and please don&#39;t respond with "but the other side are worse tham me" arguement.

    I was born and brought up a Roman Catholic and still attend mass on a Sunday, where I live I have been verbally and physically abused by people who do not like the religion that I have been brought up within, I have also been discriminated against when seeking employment in the past. Inspite of this I do not mock people of other religions or nationalities, but have learned that real bravery and humility comes with turning the other cheek and letting people live their own way.
    Open your eyes
    And before you prove what I said by totally misquoting me and therefore proving the
    intolerance of your church.

    Lets look at the way your church promotes the induction of paedophiles and serves young children up to them by making it almost impossible for a prosecution to be successful and in most cases by covering it up and helping the perpetrators evade justice.

    Now tell me how proud you are of your church once more. [/b][/quote]
    Firstly, I am very proud of my faith Zardoz, through my church and my religion I have met people with more humility, compassion and common sense in their little finger than you have in your whole body.

    On the paedophile subject, sure, I can&#39;t deny that it is wrong and that it sickens me, but what you are referring to is a minority, the same minority of Muslims that like to cause terror, the same minority of Americans who support the KKK and the same minority of people on this board that like to turn a genuine debate into a pit of hatred because they will not at least even try to see another persons point of view.

    Zardoz, I was going to ask you exactly what knowledge you have of what goes on in the Catholic church, but I really do not have the slightest intention of debating with a bigot, rascist and angry person such as yourself.

    I really hope that your posts are a wind up and that you&#39;re sitting in front of your monitor laughing at us, if not, then I really do pity you.

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