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Thread: Time To Move On

  1. #11
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Woodstock NY
    And yet I get insulted for fucking with people who post moronic shit! UKMan love ya dude, you been so cool to me and accepting of me and really fun in chat (please tell me you are not also ditching chat&#33

    Just bugs me that the very things you worry about are the same things I dissed people for being assholes about and yet I lose you and keep these fucking shitbirds?

    Whatever. Still dealing with my own issues of how much this board is worth my time, but whatever your thread so:


    Also I will not ever forget the support you gave me when I decided to take on people with child pornography, while certain people in here acted like I was the bad guy.

    That showed character and for god sakes don't leave cause of the morons man! We can beat that?

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    tilen76's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I couldn't agree more with the members above.

    UKMan, you will be missed, very much. :'( :'(

    Who's gonna make me a bacon sandwich with sugar now?

    I hope we'll meet soon in some other place.

    Take care UKMan.

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
    26 March 2003

    K-Lite Discussion board
    Everywhere, Planet Earth

    Attn: All K-Lite Discussion board single (*), double (**), triple (***), quadruple (****) and quintuple (*****) star members – or however (as if I give a damn) the current ranking system goes:

    I am writing to voice my sincere regret in reading that UKMan has left us. And the first thing I want to convey is that I will personally miss him.

    I have always avoided joining discussion boards in the past. The reason is that I assumed they would be filled with the same type of individuals we are forced to deal with in our everyday lives – unkind, selfish, mean-spirited and self-centered. But then, after lurking around here for a couple of weeks, I decided to join, and so on 14 March 2003, I officially became a member. Why? What was the reason in changing my mind and deciding to make the investment in adding my name to this board and getting to know the people here? The reason was quite simply because of individuals like UKMan. Having spent a considerable amount of time viewing a multitude of threads, I kept noticing some of the same names appearing on many of the posts that I found helpful. One of the names was – you guessed it – UKMan.

    Now, I imagine some of you are wondering why I referred to an investment in the above paragraph. Well, if you think about it, your and my time is valuable, so spending any amount of time creating a new topic or making any type of post to an existing thread takes time – not only to sit and write it, but sometimes there is additional time spent in researching the answer to someone’s problem. So, what is your time worth? I know the answer to that question for my time, but what about yours? Think about it. Why does this matter? It matters because some members here take a genuine interest in trying to help others – whether it be by finding a solution to another members problem, or an answer to their question – or just posting a short note as a means of encouragement. “Huh, can this be?” you ask. Think of it: An online discussion board where the members consider themselves a ‘community’. Sounds too good to be true? That’s what I used to think, but then, (several weeks ago) I thought that I had found that very thing, the unimaginable community of people with the same values and interests as me, and so, it was then that I joined.

    Not too long thereafter, I began to notice things were changing. The language used in the threads started to seem different – maybe a little, no a lot – sophomoric. “Sophomoric?’ you ask. “What is that?” Well, for those who need the definition, here you are:

    Pronunciation: "säf-'mOr-ik, -'mor-, -'mär- also "sof- or "sä-f&- or "so-f&-
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1813
    1 : conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature
    2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a sophomore <a sophomoric prank>

    I think UKMan described it best, when he wrote:

    Goodbye folks. Ive had enough of the crap and arguments on this board. People complaining, starting rediculous and stupid threads, STARS STARS STARS - wtf is going on? Who gives a fuck about stars? - I dont - but it seems its very important for most people to be noticed - OMG im a GOD - look at me dude i have 5 stars - nobody is actually really interested in sharing their wealth of knowledge anymore. People just wanna take take take&#33;
    Some of you might not understand why UKMan is so upset. I took a look through his posts, and there are many of them (599 to be exact) – that must have required a lot of time and patience – a true investment. But I’m sure he’d tell you (if he were still here) that he didn’t mind taking his time to help a member of the community he had been a part of for the past four months. I know him as having been willing to help out wherever possible. After helping me, I never heard him ask for anything in return – I believe it was understood that we (all of you included) were here to help each other, and to enjoy the spirit of the community…..what a shame it has disappeared. And he did not only post in one or two forums, no – not UKMan. He was active in many realms of this community.

    Had it been me who had made such a contribution here, and was then forced to sit and watch as the community began to fracture and split apart, I may well have decided to depart in much the same manner as UKMan has.

    Having read UKMan’s words.....

    So, im moving on - where - i dunno? But what im looking for aint to be found here anymore.
    .....I am deeply saddened to see such a vital and giving member of our community depart (can it be referred to as our community? – that would imply some type of togetherness, which is truly lacking at the present time).

    So, in closing, I want to publicly voice my support of UKMan’s decision to leave. Why should he continue to invest his time (of which only UKMan know the end-cost of the time he has spent here) in a community such as ours? Does anyone have an answer? I have nothing I can say which would justify the actions of the many here at the K-Lite Discussion board, and I venture to guess not one of you will either.

    And so, I bid you farewell, mate. You will be missed by many.

    Peace to you, UKMan, and enjoy the sunshine&#33;

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Dec 2002
    Woodstock NY
    Wow dude, I dunno what to say. I have NO IDEA who you are and yet that really said it all pretty well.


    And I am not happy about him leaving, you people have no idea.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    Benno's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    There&#39;s not much left to say.

    Think about it UKMan, with your help we could really be a comunity once again.

    Bye UKMan and I hope you&#39;ll stay in the ss room.

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    Sure am going to mi ss the wittiness of Sherlock and Holmes and of course your view on things, UKMan.

    Goodbye and hope you find a place where you can find peace.

    P.s. If you don&#39;t like your new place, we&#39;re still here

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
    Join Date
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    Port Dover, Ontario
    Goodbye my dear friend, I will miss you. I hope you&#39;ll still pop into chat now and then to say hello. I&#39;m working on ripping my CDs, so hopefully I&#39;ll see you in SS. If you ever need to talk about anything, you know where to find me.

    :&#39;( :&#39;( :&#39;(

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Though I don&#39;t know you UK,it seems that your going to be missed by alot of people.I&#39;m new to this board,and have made some mistakes,but thanks to a couple people that have been around for awhile,they straightened me out.This board,to me is actually the best that I&#39;ve found so far.Alot of good information and humor to boot&#33;Seems like you always get situations on any board,but they arent as bad here as I&#39;ve seen elsewhere.Hope you decide to;s the people that have a wealth of knowledge and are willing to share that make a good board.

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    summerlinda's Avatar Pyretta¤Blaze
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    Dec 2002
    The Netherlands
    You know i&#39;m gonna miss you

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oh, please...
    I sure wish you&#39;d reconsider, UK-you&#39;ll deprive this board of that which it requires above all.

    I&#39;m gonna miss the smell of your pipe tobacco. It smelled "smart".
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

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