well 2 days ago i found out that pepsi is giving out AN IPOD AN HOUR!!!!11 (only for CANADIANS) and its "No purchase necessary" so u can get a pin code every hour....(no need to buy pepsi)
so i am trying to win this ipod and i need ur luck
the contest is till Dec. 25
so there are still lots of chances for me to win
i found out about this in another forum i hang out in and like 20 people have won just from that forum!!11
and now i need ur luck....im not asking for an email address... im going to play FAIR AND SQAURE with just 1 email addy :angel:
so all i ask is for u too wish me luck i really want an ipod it would be soo kool for me to win something... (i have never won anything big... )
and also for all u canadians i hope u guys participate as well